How do i place UI based alerts (not formulae)? Cant find the option for easy alerts?
If i want to use my gmail for email and my iphone for text alerts - how should i configure these in tool/preferences window? Where do i get the server names/ip addresses etc?
How do we get news alerts for a ticker (futures etc)? Can we integrate to external sites if so, how?
Thank you - Does Amibroker need to be running for me to receive the alerts on my email/phone?
If so, if i am travelling -can i have an instance on a server (remote, Virtual private machine/VPS) and run amibroker there forever so i can continue to receive the alerts on my mobile?
It worked - but now i am getting another error when i am enabling the option - not sure what path it is looking at
Also, i am rewriting my other related questions:
Does Amibroker need to be running for me to receive the alerts on my email/phone?
If so, if i am travelling -can i have an instance on a server (remote, Virtual private machine/VPS) and run amibroker there forever so i can continue to receive the alerts on my mobile?
I don't know how Amazon can offer 512MB server with Windows 2016 (which is essentially the same as Windows 10), when Windows 10 itself needs more RAM to work.
In theory minimum requirement is 512MB but anyone who runs Windows 10 knows that it chokes itself on 2GB RAM.
The Windows has become bloated beyond any measure. On my oldest dusted notebook I have Windows Me and it runs on 64MB RAM and AmiBroker 6 works just fine on it. And I remember that back in 1995 entire Windows 95 installation was less than 50MB on disk. Why Microsoft thinks that OS should take >10GB on disk is beyond my comprehension. OS should be providing just plain services like memory allocation, process management, file system, hardware abstraction layer and basic services like networking. Instead they focus on "eye candy" bloat.
Recently I did some programming on STM32F746 embedded system and program that I wrote that talks directly to hardware (no OS) with touch screen graphical interface, audio processing, file system and everything is 93KB (precisely 93572 bytes). It boots under 0.5 second, audio latency below 1ms (unachievable on anything like Apple, MS or Linux) and everything so damn fast and that is only 200MHz processor. What a delight and breath of fresh bloat-free air.
I haven't checked the page nor really given it much of a thought but I have noticed that virtualized instances of "Guest OS" run on far less RAM than Standalone OS even like Windows.
I've run same Windows guest on a windows host using VMware/vbox and you'll find a significant difference.
Maybe that's why the lesser RAM and it may be an entry spec on the pricelist
@uvdsatish from a previous screenshot of yours, it seems that you DID NOT follow the "extra" steps required to have the SSL add-on for Windows 64 as explained in the KB article that was previously linked bu @travick
Extra steps for 64-bit installs only: By default EMailerSSL.exe program is installed into AmiBroker 32-bit installation folder – but it is also possible to use it with 64-bit version of AmiBroker with some additional steps:
1. Create C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker folder (if 32-bit version of AB is not installed) 2. Run SSLAddOn.exe from the link above 3. Copy EMailerSSL.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker folder to C:\Program Files\AmiBroker folder