2 day scan/exploration

Does anyone know how to code to do an scan/exploration for a 2 day time span?
Scans/explorations tend to be based on 1 day (EOD) data.
If I get a buy signal, then I wait till the next day to get a confirming signal. If there's 20 or more possible buys on a particular day, this means I have to wait till the next day and run through all the stocks again to see if confirmation has occured.
How can I change a scan/exploration from 1 day to 2 days, so that the buy signal has already got the second day confirmation al rolled into one?
Is there something in particular I need to look for to change in the formula ,or add something extra to the formula?
I hope i explained that well enough.


Possibly the HOLD() function will do what you want.

Most people just define the initial set of qualifying conditions as a Setup, and the confirmation as the Buy. So something like this should work, when you substitute your own logic:

isSetup = mySetupCondition1 AND mySetupCondition2;
Buy = Ref(isSetup,-1) AND myAdditionalConfirmation;

Thank you Anthony. I'll give that a try

Thanks mradtke. I'll give it a go