Sorry for my ignorance.
I'm trying to get Amibroker (with NorgateData) on two PCs. One is at my home and one is at my office (they don't share a local network).
I don't understand Dr. Tomasz's answer.
Isn't that an instruction for two PCs on the same local network?
My PCs are in different places and I have no idea how I can keep Amibroker in sync.
I've tried installing Amibroker on Google Drive, then installing NorgateData on each PC and then trying to open Amibroker from GoogleDrive. It doesn't work very well for me...
By the way, I don't want to use Amibroker on both PCs at the same time. I only want to work on one when I'm at home or the other when I'm in the office.
You really can't keep them in sync because that would go against the design. You should use some sort of remote access software like AnyDesk to remotely control the machine that is trading.
Thank you very much PeterD,
I have finally changed the default locations for the AFL and Data in Preferences to shared folders in Google Drive, I have installed AmiBroker and NDU from NorgateData on both PCs and it seems that for now, for what I want to do, it works for me.
As it was explained many times in the past "clouds" are not efficient and not suited for high-performance software managing huge amounts of data like AmiBroker. Also clouds don't understand the purpose of the files they are handling and are not suited for database management systems, and may cause corruption of data if multiple files are accessed from both ends and those files are interdependent. For example in AmiBroker, layout files, broker.newcharts file and formulas need to be kept in sync and updated in proper moments. Clouds don't know that. They are likely to do their (BAD) job in wrong times. The only "safe" time to do any cloud sync is to when AmiBroker has CLOSED and finished writing to all files. And sync should be ONE way, not two ways, if you do both ways you are going to have mixture of possibly mismatched setups.
If you are NOT using LOCAL file system (LAN - local area network), and you can't use mapped drive, then, as PeterD suggested, you are going to get much less trouble without risk of data corruption if you use remote access like AnyDesk.
Again: I have yet to see any "cloud" that works fine with complex systems. Corruption of data files is likely with Google Drive and similar "solutions". Clouds are designed to sync your SINGLE FILES like pictures, documents, etc, they are not designed or capable of handing complex database systems.
Thank you very much Dr. Tomasz for taking the time to answer me. I will take into account all that you and other people have kindly answered.
I understand that the first alternative you propose to use (LAN-local area network) is not possible if the PCs are in different locations as is my case, is that right?
On the other hand, I do not understand the second alternative (mapped drive), nor how to do it? Does it require keeping a PC on 24/7? I've read about it but I'm not able to do it.
And the third alternative you propose, using remote access like AnyDesk, that does seem to require a PC connected 24/7...
Anyway, let's see how we can do it. Greetings
Mapped drive and local network is the same thing. Mapped drives work on LAN only. Remote access does not require 24/7 operation.
If you still want to keep setups on two computers in different networks in sync, instead of relying on cloud, you might consider manually triggered synchronization:
Again, thank you very much. Now I see it more clearly.
I have finally decided to have AmiBroker installed only on the home PC and access it remotely from the office (I am going to try remote access with Google Chrome and/or AnyDesk).
Of course, for that, the home PC must be on and for that, I am going to look into turning on the PC from the Internet in case I don't leave it on.
So, I understand that there will be no more problems and I will be able to do what I want.
Thank you very much for your attention