200 SMA doesn't shown even with 261 data bar (not) available

I setup IB for RT/EOD data and set backfill to the maximum of 180 days. Looking at the chart of got bars from 8-dec to 3-mar, so 261 bars. Yet a 200 SMA doesn't display.

The longest setting which plots the first dot is a 179 SMA.

What am I missing here. There seems to be enough data available ?

If you told it to backfill 180 days, you get 180 bars, not 261 bars (weekends are NOT included)

Anyway, instead of assumptions or guesses, just display actual number of bars:

Title = "Number of bars " + BarCount;
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thanks Tomasz for your quick reply. I see now where I made a misstake. I counted calendar days not trading day. Amibroker Barcount is 177.