AddColumn using date from Analysis window Filter Setting

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Use Lookup function to get an element at chosen date

dtstr = "2018-10-01"; // your chosen date

lc = Lookup( C, _DT(dtstr), 0 );	
Filter = Status( "lastbarinrange" );

AddColumn(C,"Last Bar Close ", 1.3 );
AddColumn(lc,"Close at " + dtstr, 1.3 );

Alternativally you may use ParamDate

dtstr = "2018-10-01" ; // your chosen default date

pdt = DateTimeConvert(2, ParamDate( "Chosen Date", dtstr));
lc = Lookup( C, pdt, 0 );								

Filter = Status( "lastbarinrange" );

AddColumn(C,"Last Bar Close ", 1.3 );
AddColumn(lc,"Close at " + dtstr, 1.3 );