Hello All,
I have a AFL writtena dn I do the exploration every 5 minutes.
I wish to delay the alerts generated in the AFL by 3 candles (15 minutes delay)
To check the current candle in the formation is complete, I use
barcomplete = BarIndex() < LastValue(BarIndex());
How could I check to have completion of 3 candles and then get the alert.
This out of my head... but the logic is if the event happen 3 bars ago then give me a signal.
event = the buy signal here
Buy = ref(event, -3); // BUY now if the event was 3 bars ago``
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Thanks @PanoS for your response.
Also I did the following and plotted the barcount variables to check them
barcomplete = BarIndex() < LastValue(BarIndex()-3);
This marks barcomplete=1 when the next 3 candles are formed, i.e. unless and untill x+3 candles are formed, the x will not be complete.