AFL Code Error Problem

@Floridafan if you post some code WITHOUT using the REQUIRED code tags what is displayed may be different from the original code1 so that readers may not be able to understand your request correctly.
(Please, review the Enter the AFL code properly section)

The original @howardbandy code is as follow:

//	----Block of code in use when testing as a trading system
//	When testing, uncomment one set of sequences.
//	Buy the strong patterns,
//	short the weak patterns.
//	33% Cutoff -- Strongest sequences
Buy = (Sequence == 111) OR
		(Sequence == 223) OR
		(Sequence == 323) OR
		(Sequence == 311) OR
		(Sequence == 313) OR
		(Sequence == 213) OR
		(Sequence == 131) OR
		(Sequence == 331) OR
		(Sequence == 113);
Sell = BarsSince(Buy) >= 1;
//	33% Cutoff -- Weakest sequences
Short = (Sequence == 132) OR
		(Sequence == 332) OR
		(Sequence == 232) OR
		(Sequence == 231) OR
		(Sequence == 221) OR
		(Sequence == 322) OR
		(Sequence == 333) OR
		(Sequence == 133) OR
		(Sequence == 122);
Cover = BarsSince(Short) >= 1;
//	15% Cutoff -- strongest sequences
Buy = (Sequence == 111) OR
		(Sequence == 211) OR
		(Sequence == 311) OR
		(Sequence == 121) OR
		(Sequence == 112) OR
		(Sequence == 223) OR
		(Sequence == 131) OR
		(Sequence == 113) OR
		(Sequence == 221);
Sell = BarsSince(Buy) >= 1;
//	15% Cutoff -- weakest sequences
Short = (Sequence == 333) OR
		(Sequence == 331) OR
		(Sequence == 332) OR
		(Sequence == 132) OR
		(Sequence == 232) OR
		(Sequence == 133) OR
		(Sequence == 233) OR
		(Sequence == 123) OR
		(Sequence == 313);
Cover = BarsSince(Short) >= 1;
//	Long only -- strongest single sequence
Buy = (Sequence == 111);
Sell = BarsSince(Buy) >= 1;

As clearly stated in the comment, at the top, you are supposed to UNCOMMENT one of the section when testing the entire formula as a trading system.

This means to remove the /* at the beginning of a commented area of code and the corresponding */ at the end of it.

So if you want to use a 15% cutoff, you'll change the block of code as:

//	----Block of code in use when testing as a trading system
//	When testing, uncomment one set of sequences.
//	Buy the strong patterns,
//	short the weak patterns.
//	33% Cutoff -- Strongest sequences
Buy = (Sequence == 111) OR
		(Sequence == 223) OR
		(Sequence == 323) OR
		(Sequence == 311) OR
		(Sequence == 313) OR
		(Sequence == 213) OR
		(Sequence == 131) OR
		(Sequence == 331) OR
		(Sequence == 113);
Sell = BarsSince(Buy) >= 1;
//	33% Cutoff -- Weakest sequences
Short = (Sequence == 132) OR
		(Sequence == 332) OR
		(Sequence == 232) OR
		(Sequence == 231) OR
		(Sequence == 221) OR
		(Sequence == 322) OR
		(Sequence == 333) OR
		(Sequence == 133) OR
		(Sequence == 122);
Cover = BarsSince(Short) >= 1;

//	15% Cutoff -- strongest sequences
Buy = (Sequence == 111) OR
		(Sequence == 211) OR
		(Sequence == 311) OR
		(Sequence == 121) OR
		(Sequence == 112) OR
		(Sequence == 223) OR
		(Sequence == 131) OR
		(Sequence == 113) OR
		(Sequence == 221);
Sell = BarsSince(Buy) >= 1;
//	15% Cutoff -- weakest sequences
Short = (Sequence == 333) OR
		(Sequence == 331) OR
		(Sequence == 332) OR
		(Sequence == 132) OR
		(Sequence == 232) OR
		(Sequence == 133) OR
		(Sequence == 233) OR
		(Sequence == 123) OR
		(Sequence == 313);
Cover = BarsSince(Short) >= 1;

//	Long only -- strongest single sequence
Buy = (Sequence == 111);
Sell = BarsSince(Buy) >= 1;

From the AFL Reference Manual:


Comments are pieces of text used to annotate a program. Comments are for the programmer's use only; they are stripped from the source code before parsing. The are two ways to delineate comments: C-like comments and C++ like comments. A C-like comment is any sequence of characters placed after the symbol pair /*. The comment terminates at the first occurrence of the pair / following the initial /. The entire sequence, including the four comment-delimiter symbols, is replaced by one space. A C++ like comments are single-line comments that start by using two adjacent slashes (//) in any position within the line and extend until the next new line.

AFL does not allow nested comments.

I want to thank here @howardbandy who kindly provides the source code of his very useful books, so I did not have to retype anything!
(The above code "brief quotation" is under Copyright © 2007, 2011 by Howard B. Bandy).

1) The absence of the code tags, in combination with particular characters sequences (commonly found in a piece of source code), could result in a "rendered" text where some characters are missing.