Did original poster get the approval from Thomas Zmuck ? No.
The original formula was placed in AFL library that is in the members’ zone back in 2002, later it was apparently modified by Thomas Zmuck.
Did anyone ask me for the approval to copy COPYRIGHTED material available to members only? No.
So why on earth you people think that you can re-publish the formulas freely?
You can’t.
The same happens on WiseStockTrader site over and over again. I wrote original formula in AFL to draw Trendline Between Previous day High and Previous day Low that got later modified by @empottasch in the same thread. That formulas were STOLEN and posted WITHOUT asking original authors:
All contents of AmiBroker.com site (including forums) is COPYRIGHTED and republishing on other sites is prohibited. Yet, shitty sites like “wisestocktrader” ignore copyrights.