Amiquote For realtime data of Indian Equity Market NSE

is it possible to get realtime NSE data in amibroker Directly from Exchange(NSE). Other than esignal and interactive brokers

Your question is contradictory and you can search the forum for tons of same or similar questions discussed already.

If you want direct data from Exchange, you have to contact the exchange DIRECTLY.
AFAIK, the rate/cost of data will not be affordable by retail especially in the context you are asking.

Intermediaries purchase those feeds and "resell" them (for lack of a better word) at retail affordable prices.

Data that comes from esignal, IB is technically not DIRECT, and for that matter there will be many "other" RTD providers whom you can also contact and if you searched on Google, you will get far more details there.


You are correct I am searching for free intraday data source for Indian stock market.


i am also searching for same like google intraday but it stopped .

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This for EOD

This is for 1 min data[user API KEY]

Is above example possible in Amiquote ?

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output to csv file

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Thanks for taking time bro. will check and revert

Could you please briefly explan , How to get the RT data in Amibroker by Amiquote using the links you provided?