Amiquote intraday data from Polygon

Hello, can not figure out why I'm receiving message "Polygon data source only allows up to 1 days worth of download for 1 minute interval. "From" date will be adjusted to max allowable range".

In Debug window I received more then one day of 1minute data.

Also after AmiQuote adjusts "From" date to the current day downloaded data from Polygon is old, not from current day.
Images attached.

Amibroker database is empty, only symbols.
Amiquote license registered.
Polygon package Advanced, available up to 5000 1min datapoints.

AmiQuote does not know that you have purchased "Advanced" package. It has no way to know it. Therefore it displays message based on what is defined by default in Data Source dialog.

You can change the setting to match whatever subscription you have

Thanks, max days fixed.
How to force AmiQuote to download data only for the days set in "From" "To" but not from oldest available in Polygon? This issue occurs when starting with empty Amibroker db.
After each run Amiquote adds up 5000 bars to the oldest data, but I need only few recent days.

On your screenshot From/To dates are already present in the Polygon API request:

At this point it is upto Polygon to return quotes in requested range.

API request with dates set in Debug window returns data correctly for those days.
When initiating "Start download" or "Auto update Amibroker database" data downloaded from Polygon do not match data set in "From" "To" windows.

If I import symbols Tools/Get tickers from Amibroker then data downloaded from polygon is oldest available. From To settings are ignored
If I add symbol manually to AmiQuote then data downloaded from Polygon matching "From" "To" settings.
I have scanner script wich adds symbols automatically to Amibroker db so do not want to repeat adding symbols manually to Amiquote.
Is it possible to solve it?

Ah, OK, that is different story.
GetTickers from AmiBroker retrieves tickers PLUS last update date present in AmIBroker database to ensure there are no holes in data. Update will be performed from last update present in AB database.

If you have a script that adds symbols you can simply use it to create .TLS file (PLAIN TEXT file with symbols - one symbol in one line) and such .TLS file can be loaded into AmiQuote, so you don't need to add symbols manually