Analysis > Result list

Hi all :slight_smile:

How is "% Profit" column of the Analysis Result list calculated?

I have large values and can't make sense of it.

Trade "% chg" "Profit" "% Profit"
Trade 1: 0.17% 13 1300,00%
Trade 2: -0.65% -50 -5000,00%

I use futures mode. PosSize is restricted to 1.

Why is "% Profit" not == "% chg" ?


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%Profit is result from comparing Profit (e.g. currency $) to Position Value (e.g. currency $).

Profit column shows $1,575 and %Profit column shows 6.3% and Position value column shows $25,000.
So 6.3% comes from: 1575 / 25000 * 100 = 6.3

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