Hi Seniors -
My intent is to (backtest) generate Buy trigger based on first 5 Min Candle and then Apply Loss Stop based on 2% of Entry Price OR Low Of the Entry day (Which Ever is Smaller).
My base TF is 5Min.
Refer the Backtest output, it only Evaluating the "Long (Profit)" Stop and not the StopType Loss. Ofcourse, I am making some mistake but not able to figure out what is it.
Requesting for any help Please.
bi = Barindex();
fvb = FirstVisibleValue( bi );
lvb = LastVisibleValue( bi );
open_htf = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily, 0, expandFirst);
high_htf = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0, expandFirst);
low_htf = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0, expandFirst);
close_htf = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, 0, expandFirst);
vol_htf = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0, expandFirst);
up_bar = (open_htf <= close_htf);
down_bar = NOT up_bar;
dn = Day();
first_bar_cd = dn != Ref( dn, -1 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Plot Price Chart");
condcol= IIf( up_bar, colorBrightGreen,
IIf( up_bar, colorBrightGreen,
IIf( down_bar,colorRed ,
IIf( down_bar, ColorRGB(234, 136, 123), //Light Red
) ) )
SetBarFillColor( condcol); // Color for Interiors of the CandleStick
Plot( C, "Price", condcol, styleCandle | styleNoLabel ); // Color of Outline of Candlestick
true_range = (high_htf - low_htf);
body_range = abs( close_htf - open_htf );
body_fill = body_range / true_range * 100;
lower_wick_range = (Min(close_htf, open_htf) - low_htf);
lower_wick_gap = lower_wick_range / true_range * 100;
upper_wick_range = (high_htf - max(close_htf, open_htf));
upper_wick_gap = upper_wick_range / true_range * 100;
close_htf_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, close_htf, 2);
gap_open = ( open_htf - close_htf_prev) / close_htf_prev * 100;
starting_price_prev = Min(open_htf, close_htf);
starting_price_prev_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, starting_price_prev, 2);
open_gapup = open_htf >= (starting_price_prev_prev * 0.995 );
close_htf_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, close_htf, 2);
c_on_prev_close = ( close_htf - close_htf_prev) / close_htf_prev * 100;
c_on_curr_low = (close_htf - low_htf) / low_htf * 100;
true_range_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, true_range, 2);
low_htf_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, low_htf, 2);
c_on_prev_true_range = (close_htf - low_htf_prev) / true_range_prev * 100;
curr_bar_aroc = abs(close_htf - open_htf) / min(open_htf, close_htf) * 100; //ROC of an indivisual bar
v_comp = TimeFrameCompress(V, inDaily, compressVolume);
v_ma_50_comp = MA(v_comp, 50);
v_ma_50_prev_comp = Ref(v_ma_50_comp, -1);
v_ma_50_prev = TimeFrameExpand(v_ma_50_prev_comp, inDaily, expandFirst);
v_ma_20_comp = MA(v_comp, 20);
v_ma_20_prev_comp = Ref(v_ma_20_comp, -1);
v_ma_20_prev = TimeFrameExpand(v_ma_20_prev_comp, inDaily, expandFirst);
rel_vol_20 = vol_htf / v_ma_20_prev * 100;
rel_vol_50 = vol_htf / v_ma_50_prev * 100;
rel_vol_20_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, rel_vol_20, 2);
v_comp = TimeFrameCompress(V, inDaily, compressVolume);
v_ma_50_comp = MA(v_comp, 50);
v_ma_50_prev_comp = Ref(v_ma_50_comp, -1);
v_ma_50_prev = TimeFrameExpand(v_ma_50_prev_comp, inDaily, expandFirst);
v_ma_20_comp = MA(v_comp, 20);
v_ma_20_prev_comp = Ref(v_ma_20_comp, -1);
v_ma_20_prev = TimeFrameExpand(v_ma_20_prev_comp, inDaily, expandFirst);
TimeFrameSet(inDaily); //Time Compressed
true_range_htf = (H - L);
body_range_htf = abs( C - O);
body_fill_htf = body_range_htf / true_range_htf * 100;
body_fill_htf_ma_20_prev_comp = Ref( MA(body_fill_htf, 20), -1);
body_fill_htf_ma_20_prev = TimeFrameExpand(body_fill_htf_ma_20_prev_comp, inDaily, expandFirst);
body_fill_htf_ma_50_prev_comp = Ref( MA(body_fill_htf, 50), -1);
body_fill_htf_ma_50_prev = TimeFrameExpand(body_fill_htf_ma_50_prev_comp, inDaily, expandFirst);
rel_body_20 = body_fill / body_fill_htf_ma_20_prev * 100;
rel_body_50 = body_fill / body_fill_htf_ma_50_prev * 100;
rel_body_20_prev = ValueWhen(first_bar_cd, rel_body_20, 2);
//Debug on Title
//if(Interval() == inDaily)
Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
"Strong Open"
+ "\n" + "--- gap_open %: " + NumToStr(gap_open,1.1)
+ "\n" + "--- open_gapup : " + NumToStr(open_gapup,1)
+ "\n" + "\n"
+ "Strength"
+ "\n" + "--- upper_wick_gap %: " + NumToStr(upper_wick_gap,1)
+ "\n" + "--- body_fill %: " + NumToStr(body_fill,1)
+ "\n" + "--- lower_wick_gap %: " + NumToStr(lower_wick_gap,1)
//+ "\n" + "--- ppv_up_bar %: " + NumToStr(ppv_up_bar,1)
+ "\n" + "\n"
+ "Urgency"
+ "\n" + "--- rel_vol_1 %: " + NumToStr(rel_vol_1,1)
+ "\n" + "--- rel_body_1 %: " + NumToStr(rel_body_1,1)
+ "\n"
+ "\n" + "--- rel_vol_20 %: " + NumToStr(rel_vol_20,1)
+ "\n" + "--- rel_body_20 %: " + NumToStr(rel_body_20,1)
+ "\n" + "--- rel_vol_50 %: " + NumToStr(rel_vol_50,1)
+ "\n" + "--- rel_body_50 %: " + NumToStr(rel_body_50,1)
+ "\n" + "\n"
+ "Contraction"
+ "\n" + "--- rel_vol_20_prev %: " + NumToStr(rel_vol_20_prev,1)
+ "\n" + "--- rel_body_20_prev %: " + NumToStr(rel_body_20_prev,1)
+ "\n" + "\n"
+ "Risk"
+ "\n" + "--- c_on_curr_low %: " + NumToStr(c_on_curr_low,1.1)
+ "\n" + "\n"
+ "Entry"
+ "\n" + "--- c_on_prev_true_range %: " + NumToStr(c_on_prev_true_range,1)
+ "\n" + "\n"
+ "Misc"
+ "\n" + "--- c_on_prev_close %: " + NumToStr(c_on_prev_close,1)
+ "\n" + "--- curr_bar_aroc %: " + NumToStr(curr_bar_aroc,1.2)
+ "\n" + "\n"
Buy =
&& lower_wick_gap < 5
&& body_fill > 50
&& rel_vol_20 >= 7
&& rel_body_20 > 90
&& TimeNum() <= 091500
ATR_ma_length = Param("ATR MA", 14, 5, 50, 1 );
ATR_Multi_length = Param("ATR_Multi_length", 5, 5, 20, 1 );
c_comp = TimeFrameCompress(C, inDaily, compressLast);
c_comp_ma = MA(c_comp, ATR_ma_length);
c_expnd_ma = TimeFrameExpand(c_comp_ma, inDaily, expandFirst);
h_expand = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, expandFirst);
BuyPrice = C;
SellPrice = C;
Sell = Short = Cover = 0;
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpTriangle, colorBrightGreen, 0, L, -80 );
PlotShapes(Sell*shapeDownTriangle,colorRed,0,High, 80);
// Plots Stops & Applies Stops
L_expand = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, expandFirst);
Max_loss_stop_points = Min(BuyPrice * 0.98, L_expand);
ApplyStop( stopTypeLoss, stopModePoint, Max_loss_stop_points, True );
ApplyStop( stopTypeProfit, stopModePercent, 20, True );
Equity( 1, 0 ); // evaluate stops, all quotes
InTrade = Flip( Buy, Sell );
SetOption("EveryBarNullCheck", True );