@anthony2 Regarding your questions: I usually use external browsers, because they give more flexibility - I can block ads, scripts etc. Opening web pages in external browsers in sync with the currently selected in AmiBroker symbol is easy. For example:
_SECTION_BEGIN( "External browser" );
// -------- by Miłosz Mazurkiewicz ---------
/// @link https://forum.amibroker.com/t/built-in-browser-profile-view-pane/6011/3?u=milosz
Version (6.26);
GuiSetFont( "Segoe UI", 8.5 );
Vshift = 20;
GuiButton( "Stooq", 10, 5, 5 + Vshift, 75, 20, 255 );
GuiButton( "Bankier", 11, 5, 27 + Vshift, 75, 20, 1 );
GuiButton( "Infostrefa", 12, 5, 49 + Vshift, 75, 20, 1 );
GuiButton( "StockWatch", 13, 5, 71 + Vshift, 75, 20, 1 );
id = GuiGetEvent( 0, 0 ); event = GuiGetEvent( 0, 1 );
if( id == 10 AND event == 1 ) ShellExecute( "https://stooq.com/q/n/?s=" + Name(), "", "" );
if( id == 11 AND event == 1 ) ShellExecute( "http://www.bankier.pl/inwestowanie/profile/quote.html?symbol=" + FullName(), "", "" );
if( id == 12 AND event == 1 ) ShellExecute( "http://infostrefa.com/infostrefa/pl/wiadomosci/szukaj/1?keyword=" + FullName() + "&category=wszystko", "", "" );
if( id == 13 AND event == 1 ) ShellExecute( "https://www.stockwatch.pl/gpw/" + FullName() + ",wykres-swiece,wskazniki.aspx", "", "" );
These are Polish web sites. You can modify my example code to work for the web pages that you use.