Built in Browser vs External. Custom toolbar buttons/shortcuts. Small icons instead of text buttons in the toolbar

Yes it can be done. You can create your own toolbar button(s) or shortcut(s) to AmiBroker's custom tool item(s) (Main menu ---> Tools). There are many possible applications - a quote from: Customize tools window

Custom tool menu items allow launching executable files (.exe), script files (.js, .vbs), web pages (.html) and any other registered file types from the tools menu.

For example:

  1. If you just want to open some predefinied web page in an external web browser (i.e. Firefox) and eventually navigate to some selected web page manually, you just need to add new tool like this:


After clicking ST1 button, the web page opens in Firefox:


  1. In some cases you can also use "semi automatic" mode. This time when you click ST2 button, you will be prompted to enter some additional arguments (for example stock's name - in this case CDR) and thanks to this you can navigate directly to this Issues's web page.




  1. Full automatic mode. I don't know if it is possible to pass directly the name of the currently selected Issue to a custom tool - I didn't succeed in doing that (if it is possible I would welcome showing me how :slight_smile: ) but it can be done using jscript (and there are many other applications of external jscripts accessed this easy way). For example this jscript opens webpages in an external web browser in sync with currently selected in AmiBroker Symbol:
// This is jscript code (not AFL)
AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
Name = AB.ActiveDocument.Name;

var oShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
oShell.ShellExecute("https://stooq.com/q/n/?s=" + Name, "", "");

I named this file: "Stooq Firefox.js" and saved it in AmiBroker's Scripts folder.


This time after clicking ST3 button, a new web page opens (in my case in Firefox) in sync with currently selected in AmiBroker Symbol.
