here is some code similar to hermans code;
Short = Cover = 0;
Qty = 10;
SetTradeDelays( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
SetOption( "AllowSameBarExit", True );
SetOption( "maxopenpositions", Qty );
BuyLevel = Ref( L, -1 ) - Ref( L, -1 ) / 100 * 1.5;
Buy = L < BuyLevel;
BuyPrice = Min( O, BuyLevel );
SellPrice = O;
Sell = Ref( Buy, -1 );
Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );
//PositionScore = mtRandom();
PositionSize = -100 / Qty;
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates );
Plot( Buylevel, "", colorBrightGreen, styleDashed );
Plot( C, "", colorWhite, 64 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorGreen, 0, L, -15 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeHollowUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, L, -15 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorAqua, 0, BuyPrice, 0 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, -15 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeHollowDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, H, -15 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorOrange, 0, SellPrice, 0 );
just tested on Nasdaq 100, last 10 years. These are some good results
Unfortunately this is because the selection of available signals is not what you will get in reality.