
Using AmiQuote, I've successfully imported a watchlist of symbols from Yahoo from the Toronto Stock Exchange. This worked with simple tickers like RY, to which I added the suffix .TO

The problem is with tickers that already have a suffix attached to them such as CJR.B or CHE.UN
Adding .TO (CJR.B.TO) to those tickers gets me an error message.

Any insight?

Thank you for your patience : )

Just hit google and type “Cjr.b yahoo quote” .
You’ll notice that yahoo uses “-“ to separate classes. So proper symbol is CJR-B.TO .

If you have a lot to do could look at notepad++ or something similar and use some find and replace. Might be just as easy to do by hand.

Perfect world their be a standard. For instance IQFeed uses c. before Canadian tickers.

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