Change backfill length from AFL


I am using a moving average of 1 month period.

Sometime I have stocks already cashed in the local storage; so I don't need a long backfill (a quick backfill of 5 days is enough to catch up the missing recent data).

But sometimes I check new stock which is not cashed on the local storage, So I need a longer backfill i.e. 30 days; I can control the backfill length manually from the lower right corner as image shows:

Is there a way to change the backfill length from AFL instead of changing it manually; by so my indicator can decide if there is a need for a long backfill or not?

This is feature specific to just one and only IB plugin which has very limited and very slow backfills.

AFL does not control plugin-specific features. And no your indicator should NOT decide about backfills.