Hi @fxshrat,
Following your advice from your last help:
I have written this code to get the data out of Finviz:
Ticker, Company, Sector, Industry
The file generates it well, but I would like if you can take a look at the code to improve its performance.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
// Datos_Finviz_Stocks_Descripcion
// watchlist should contain all symbols included in the test
// 2 --> USA Total | 3 --> USA Wall Street | 8 --> SP500 | 10 --> Nasdaq100 | 12 --> Wilshire5000
wlnum = 3; // 2; // 3; // 8; // 10; // 12; // GetOption( "FilterIncludeWatchlist" );
listnum = CategoryGetSymbols( categoryWatchlist, wlnum ) ;
ListName = CategoryGetName( categoryWatchlist, wlnum ); // 2 - 8 - 10 - 12
Datos_Finviz_Stocks_Descripcion = "";
// ticker_Finviz
what1 = "class=\"fullview-ticker";
ticker_Finviz = "";
what2 = "class=\"fullview-ticker";
Mer_Finviz = "";
what6 = "\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"tab-link\"><b";
Nom_Finviz = "";
what3 = "<tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"fullview-links";
Sector_Finviz = "";
what4 = "<tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"fullview-links";
Industria_Finviz = "";
Filter = 0;
trigger = ParamTrigger( "Crear Descripción", "CLICK HERE" ) OR Status("action") == actionExplore;
if ( trigger ) {
if ( Status( "stocknum" ) == 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; ( nm = StrExtract(listnum, i, ',' ) ) != ""; i++ ) {
ih = InternetOpenURL( "https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t="+nm+"&ty=c&p=d&b=1" );
if ( ih ) {
str_repl1 = "";
str_repl2 = "";
str_repl3 = "";
str_repl4 = "";
str_repl6 = "";
while( ( str = InternetReadString( ih ) ) != "" ) {
// ticker_Finviz
if ( StrFind(str, what1) )
str_repl1 = StrReplace(str, what1, "\n");
if ( StrFind(str, what2) )
str_repl2 = StrReplace(str, what2, "\n");
if ( StrFind(str, what6) )
str_repl6 = StrReplace(str, what6, "\n");
if ( StrFind(str, what3) )
str_repl3 = StrReplace(str, what3, "\n");
if ( StrFind(str, what4) )
str_repl4 = StrReplace(str, what4, "\n");
InternetClose( ih );
// ticker_Finviz
str_ext1 = StrExtract(str_repl1, 1, '\n');
str_ext1 = StrExtract(str_ext1, 1, '>');
// Mercado_Finviz
str_ext2 = StrExtract(str_repl2, 1, '\n');
str_ext2 = StrExtract(str_ext2, 3, '>');
// Nom_Finviz
str_ext6 = StrExtract(str_repl6, 1, '\n');
str_ext6 = StrExtract(str_ext6, 1, '>');
str_ext6 = StrReplace(str_ext6, "&", "&" );
// Sector_Finviz
str_ext3 = StrExtract(str_repl3, 1, '\n');
str_ext3 = StrExtract(str_ext3, 2, '>');
// Industria_Finviz
str_ext4 = StrExtract(str_repl4, 1, '\n');
str_ext4 = StrExtract(str_ext4, 4, '>');
str_ext4 = StrReplace(str_ext4, "&", "&" );
//str_ext5 = StrExtract(str_repl5, 1, '\n');
//str_ext5 = StrExtract(str_ext5, 3, '>');
str_ext5 = StrExtract(str_repl5, 1, '\n');
str_ext5_x = StrExtract(str_ext5, 3, '>');
if (StrRight(str_ext5_x,3) == "</b")
str_ext5 = str_ext5_x;
str_ext5 = StrExtract(str_ext5, 4, '>');
Datos_Finviz_Stocks_Descripcion += nm + ";" + StrExtract(str_ext1, 0, '<') + ";" + StrExtract(str_ext2, 0, '<') + ";" + StrExtract(str_ext6, 0, '<') + ";" + StrExtract(str_ext3, 0, '<') + ";" + StrExtract(str_ext4, 0, '<') + "\n" ;
// save to file
fh = fopen("C:\\Users\\Carlos\\Documents\\Amibroker\\Listas Mercados\\Indicador Warren Buffett\\Datos Finviz\\Datos_Finviz_Stocks_Descripcion_" + ListName + ".csv", "w" );
if ( fh ) {
// Cabecera
fputs( "Ticker_AB;ticker_Finviz;Mercado;Nom_Finviz;Sector_Finviz;Industria_Finviz\n", fh );
fputs( Datos_Finviz_Stocks_Descripcion, fh );
fclose( fh );
} else
Error( "ERROR: file can not be open" );