Convert Datetime() in Human Readable

Hello to all Group Members,

In following snippet, How to print Datetime(), in Human readable format in printf Call without loop.

z = Matrix( 2, 15, 0 ); // Matrix

z = MxSetBlock( z, 0, 0, 0, 14, Close );

z = MxSetBlock( z, 1, 1, 0, 14, DateTime() );

printf( "Matrix z \n" );

*printf( MxToString( z ) );* // --> How to Print in Human Readable format Here .

// With Loop it is OK

x = MxGetBlock( z, 1, 1, 0, 14, True );

printf( "Items are now in regular array (data series):\n " );

for( i = 0; i < 15; i++ )
    printf( DateTimeToStr( x[i] ) + "\n" );

Thanks for your Help.

Because of current limits of string in Matrix and also the floating value, You can try and put DateNum() and TimeNum() in two separate columns and interpret it in human readable form instead of single DateTime() which is AB encoded format.

Thanks nsm51,
Actually, I am experimenting with matrix codes given in help manual.
I tried different ways but could not get result.
I'll try as suggested by you.
