Count number of bar

Hi all
Wishing you a happy life in year 2025 .

how to get number of bars for lowAA .

thank you

periodback = 9 ;
lowAA = LLV ( L , periodback ) ;
COUNTBARAA = BarsSince ( lowAA ) ;
Filter= 1 ;
AddColumn( Low , "Low", 1.2   ,  colorDefault , colorDefault) ;
AddColumn( lowAA , "lowAA", 1.2   ,  colorDefault , colorDefault) ;
AddColumn( COUNTBARAA , "COUNTBARAA", 1.2   ,  colorDefault , colorDefault) ;

try this:

COUNTBARAA = BarCount - NullCount(lowAA,1);

use this

lowAA = LLVBars( low, 9 );

Plot(lowAA,"Bar Since Low for 9 Candles",colorRed);