Creating Your Own Index No AFL and Adding Symbol to Markets

  1. I painstaking went through the Amibroker 6.30 manual - went through the Categories section. Though it is rich in technical detail, I did not see any practical example to actually help me do what I want to do. I want to create an index composed of 30 stocks - what is the actual step by step instructions to do it (without any AFL please)? Please note this is not in the User Manual/ Guide.

  2. Also the image below is not explained in the Guide. Even when I right on it expecting a context menu to come up, nothing comes up.


  1. The User Guide/ Manual Amibroker 6.30 also does not have any information on how to add symbols to a Market. If I want to add a symbol to a Market, how exactly do I do it (without AFL please)? I understand and appreciate per page 159 there are two types of category memberships of symbols (free membership and mutually exclusive) the issue though is what are the actually add symbol to market. If I want to add a symbol to Market 2 below, how exactly do I do it step by step (no AFL) - could not find this in the User Guide.


As to own index, please check this (yes there are examples):

:eyeglasses: :open_book: Calculating multiple-security statistics with AddToComposite function

and this:

With regards to categories, the Users' Guide has information about it

In short, you can assign a symbol to any category using Symbol Information window or Assignment Organizer (see links above).

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