I was updating verisons and loaded up this older code for autofit cycle highlighter,
for some reason its having issues compiling and applying to chart
See the Code and Error Below
function TriMA(array,periods)
pds = (periods+1)/2;
pds = IIf(frac(pds)==0, pds, pds+1);
return MA( MA(array,pds), pds);
function CycleHighlighter(Periods,Price)
P1 = int(Periods*1.5); //due to lag characteristics of Tri MA
P1 = IIf(frac(P1/2)==0,P1+1,P1);
P2 = int(p1/2);
P2 = IIf(frac(P2/2)==0,P2+1,P2);
MA1 = TriMA(Price,P1);
MA2 = TriMA(Price,P2);
PC1 = (P1-1)/2; //Centre MAs
PC2 = (P2-1)/2;
CMA1 = Ref(MA1,PC1);
CMA2 = Ref(MA2,PC2);
Cyhi = CMA2-CMA1;
global Revcount;
global end;
Revcount = LastValue( BarIndex() ) - BarIndex();
end = revcount<PC1;
return IIf(end, ValueWhen(revcount==PC1,Cyhi,1), Cyhi);
function AnchoredSine(BaseCycle,LookbackCycles,Method,Periods) //input should be a cycle function from the cycle highlighter
global BCpk;
global BCtr;
global BCStart;
global sineamplitude;
//define "best fit" window from BC peaks and troughs over # of lookbackcycles
BCpk = HHVBars(Basecycle,5)==2 AND BaseCycle<Ref(Basecycle,-1) AND end==0;
BCtr = LLVBars(Basecycle,5)==2 AND BaseCycle>Ref(Basecycle,-1) AND end==0;
BCStart = IIf(ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1), ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1+Lookbackcycles), ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1+Lookbackcycles) ) ;
BCStart = BarIndex()==LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,BCStart,1) );
//derive *recent* average wavelength of Base Cycle (over # of lookbackcycles) from peaks and troughs
BCpkpds = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1) - ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1+LookbackCycles) ) / LookbackCycles;
BCtrpds = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1) - ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1+LookbackCycles) ) / LookbackCycles;
BCpds = (BCpkpds+BCtrpds)/2;
Periods = IIf(Method==0, Periods, BCpds);
//now determine suitable amplitude from StDev of Base Cycle during "best fit" window
sineamplitude = LastValue( StDev( BaseCycle, LastValue(BarsSince(BCStart)) ) *1.5);
//now determine where sine wave is anchored to BaseCycle
//i.e., most recent of a BaseCycle Peak or Trough
pkOffset = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1) )-2;
trOffset = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1) )-2;
//Offset = (pkOffset+trOffset)/2;
if ( LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1) ) ) //RECENT ANCHOR POINT IS A PEAK
{ sine = sin( (Cum(1)-pkOffset+Periods/4)/Periods * 6.283185 ); }
if ( LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCtr,1) ) ) //RECENT ANCHOR POINT IS A TROUGH
{ sine = sin( (Cum(1)-trOffset+Periods*3/4)/Periods * 6.283185 ); }
return sine*sineamplitude;
Price = IIf(ParamToggle("Price Field", "Mid Price | Close", 0)==0, (H+L)/2 , C);
MincycNo = Param("# Cycles Min", 2, 1, 5);
MinWL = Param("Wavelength Min", 39, 3, 350, 2);
MaxWL = Param("Wavelength Max", 151, 3, 500, 2);
Method = ParamToggle("Sine Wavelength", "As Base Cycle | Best Fit", 0);
Method2 = ParamToggle("Correlate Sine to:", "Price | Cycle Highlighter", 0);
RefCor = 0;
for (Cyc=5; Cyc>=MincycNo; Cyc--)
for ( pds=MaxWL; pds>=MinWL; pds=pds-2)
LoopCycle = CycleHighlighter(Pds,Price);
Loopsine = AnchoredSine(LoopCycle,Cyc,Method,Pds);
//define peaks/troughs in reference anchored sine
Sinepk = HHVBars(Loopsine,5)==2 AND Loopsine<Ref(Loopsine,-1);
Sinetr = LLVBars(Loopsine,5)==2 AND Loopsine>Ref(Loopsine,-1);
//Find difference between Reference Sine and Base Cycle start points over entire length of "lookback" cycles
SineStart = IIf(ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1), ValueWhen(Sinepk,BarIndex(),1+Cyc), ValueWhen(Sinetr,BarIndex(),1+Cyc) ) ;
SineStart = BarIndex()==LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,SineStart,1) );
//Correlation between Sine and base Cycle over "lookback" window
LookbackBars = LastValue( Max(BarsSince(BCStart),BarsSince(sineStart))-BarsSince(end==0) );
//CorSineBC = LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,Correlation(Price,LoopSine,Lookbackbars),1) );
CorSinePr = LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,Correlation(Price,Loopsine,Lookbackbars),1) );
CorSineBC = LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,Correlation(LoopCycle,LoopSine,Lookbackbars),1) );
//Correlation between Sine and Price in "end" period
EndBars = LastValue( BarsSince(end==0) );
CorEnd = LastValue( Correlation(Price,LoopSine,EndBars) );
CorPr = ( (CorSinePr*Lookbackbars)+(CorEnd*Endbars) ) / (Lookbackbars+Endbars);
CorCycHi = ( (CorSineBC*Lookbackbars)+(CorEnd*Endbars) ) / (Lookbackbars+Endbars);
Cor = IIf(Method2==0,CorPr,CorCycHi);
if ( Cor>RefCor AND LastValue(IsTrue(Loopsine)) )
{ Cycle = LoopCycle;
Refsine = Loopsine;
Endplot = End;
CycPds = pds;
CycNo = Cyc;
RefCor = Cor;
RefCorSineBC = CorSineBC;
RefCorEnd = CorEnd;
BCst = BCStart;
Sst = sinestart;
SineWavelength = LastValue( ValueWhen(sinepk OR sinetr,BarIndex(),1) - ValueWhen(sinepk OR sinetr,BarIndex(),3) );
NextPk = Max( 0, sinewavelength - LastValue(BarsSince(sinepk)) - 2 );
NextTr = Max( 0, sinewavelength - LastValue(BarsSince(sinetr)) - 2 );
sinamp = IIf(LastValue(ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1)), sineamplitude, -sineamplitude); }
//Predicted date & time of next peak or trough (for title)
Bars = IIf(Nextpk<Nexttr,nextPk,nextTr);
Type = WriteIf(Nextpk<NextTr,"peak","trough");
Title = EncodeColor(colorDarkGreen) + "SELF-ADJUSTING Cycle Highlighter\n" + EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "Base Cycle Wavelength = "
+ EncodeColor(colorBlue) + NumToStr(CycPds,1.0) + " bars\n" + EncodeColor(colorGrey50)
+ "Sine Wavelength = " + NumToStr(SineWavelength,1.0) + "bars\n"
+ "correlated " + EncodeColor(colorBlue) + "over " + WriteVal(CycNo,1.0) + WriteIf(CycNo>1," base cycles"," base cycle") + EncodeColor(colorGrey50)
+ "\nprojected next: " + EncodeColor(colorDarkRed) + Type + " in " + NumToStr(Bars,1.0) + WriteIf(Bars>1," bars"," bar") + EncodeColor(colorGrey50)
+ "\ncorrelation = " + EncodeColor(colorGreen) + NumToStr(RefcorSineBC,1.2) + EncodeColor(colorRed) + " (" + NumToStr(RefCorEnd,1.2) + ")";
Plot( 0, "", colorLightGrey, styleNoLabel);
Plotcolour = IIf(endplot, colorLightGrey, ParamColor("Colour",colorGreen) );
Plot( Cycle, "", Plotcolour, ParamStyle("Style",styleThick) | styleNoLabel );