I have a Trading Terminal with data exchange with broker in the following format,
Token -- Name -- Open -- High -- Low -- Last
10111 -- XYZ -- 100 -- 102 -- 103 -- 102.5
Application communicates with broker server only with Token(10111) and Not With Name(XYZ)
I am able to get the same data source by using DDE source with following format in Amibroker 6.20,
{Ticker} -- Token
{Alias} -- Name (As Ticker is Number its hard to remember all numbers, so fixed Alias -
So, Now Ticker = 10111 , Alias = XYZ,
My Question is there any way we can use Alias/WebID in DDE definition to get the DDE data source to work other than Ticker like Swapping the assignments.
{Ticker} --Name
{Alias} --Token
So,Now Ticker = XYZ, Alias = 10111, and use Alias in DDE definition to work with trading terminal data source.
Screenshot of my current working DDE config :
Has Read all Forum Post related to this topic, get not able to solve the problem. It would be great to find solution here.
Tried Solution : Excel renaming is very slow as excel takes time to update as data has to move from trading terminal to excel and excel need to update all symbols (sometime excel crashes too) and after excel update AB take data source.
Much Appreciated to find a solution here. Thanks