DDE with Schwab TOS doesn't work, AmiBroker/Medved/Schwab

With AmiBroker 6.93.0 x64 on Windows 11 24H2, using the DDE plugin configured as the "post 5" solution, with Schwab ThinkOrSwim client, get the yellow wait. Usually the dde config settings get lost with you go back in and its back to iqlink defaults, but my last try (had in admin mode) the TOS and custom parm setting were kept but still get yellow wait. I assume Schwab could have changed things to cause this not to work. On 6.93.0 32 bit, also yellow wait with dde config going back to iqlink settings on revisit.
Unrelated notes:

  1. non DDE COM based RTD from Schwab TOS in Excel works.
  2. With 6.93.0 32 bit AmiBroker, the 32 bit only AmiBroker Medved plugin works getting data from Schwab (no TOS needed). ( If medved not in admin mode get multiple allow cmd shell prompt permission asks, then get medved error unable to created elevated permissions for the HTTP listener) (Used latest Medved Trader 1.1.9932.400 2024-11-03)
  3. The Medved / QT plugin with streaming, intraday various intraday timing, some backfill) would be better than DDE (no backfill, only streaming), so having a 64 bit version (without having to build it yourself from the dev kit) would help.
  4. Would prefer to run SchwabTOS with AmiBroker since don't like the Medved UI and its another thing to pay for. So another vote for the AmiBroker 7 to have great support for SchwabTOS data.
  5. TOS DDE with SchwabTOS config picts

Please check this:

FYI: RTD is completely different protocol than DDE. You can't use DDE to connect to RTD server.

That's the "post 5" DDE solution that I referenced, that didn't work with the recent Schwab specific version of ThinkOrSwim for me.
There is also the issue of dde config settings disappearing on revisit (going back to iqlink).
I know the RTD can't be used with the DDE plugin from reading previous posts and from my developer background and seeing RTD retrieves data from a program that has COM automation apis not through dde.

Does your account have websocket access? Their online docs seem to have fully transitioned to it. ( I dont have an account )

Yes my copy of Medved also has the websocket api in addtion to the http api (settings for both are in the api part of the settings dialog). Note the API is a premium access feature which my "free" account has for the first month.

Note that the Amibroker Medved and Amibroker QuoteTracker plugins only support the HTTP API.

Medved doc says the HTTP api is for backward compatibility with QuoteTracker.
With the websocket api being their new api
Medved Websocket API

I am directly extending the AB feature set here. If you can wrap the free TD API as per their docs. Parallelly working on the AB Trading Interface which will take time though.

WsRtd - Websocket-Json standard Data plugin - Test Release - Plug-ins - AmiBroker Community Forum

I am referring to this docs, is it applicable to you?
Streaming Client — tda-api documentation

I would first ask Schwab if they can provide older version that has working DDE.