Default Optimization Option

Can anyone help me to select the Individual Optimization option as default Option for Optimization in the dropdown menu for Optimization. Because whenever I click on Optimization, it starts Portfolio Optimization.

Can it be done via afl coding?

You have to customize your menu

Click the small arrow
to open the Analysis customize

Drag Individual optimize out to the top-level

Then set you image and other options as shown


Thank you @nsm51 , the method worked, though a bit difficult

Although it works, after exiting Amibroker, and reopening it that button of Individual Optimization is gone even after saving database, preferences.
One has to go through the whole process again. Now that's painful.
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

To save analysis customisations,
Close all analysis
Then open new one
Do customisation, and close that window.
Then open again and see it will be saved

The last closed analysis window is the one that sets/saves customisation

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My issue is resolved, thanks to @nsm51

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