Detailed report not available. Please check the settings / report tab.

Using 6.93.0 and everything was working perfectly until I deleted the AFL file that an optimization was using at the time (my mistake).

Now when I run an optimization, no report is generated. When I click to show a report after an optimization I get the following dialog message...Detailed report not available. Please check the settings / report tab. I tried reinstalling (existing) and still no reports are being generated.

Is there a simple fix like replacing a corrupted file (instead of a complete reinstallation)?

your post is not very clear. Can you elaborate?
Deleting an AFL and having a corrupted AB installation due to that is unlikely.

Were you using a .APX project file?

I was not using a project file.

I simply was running an individual optimization on one ETF like I had many times before except, for this one time, I used the formula editor to save the active AFL file with a new name, deleted the running AFL file, and then use AmiBroker to open the AFL file (with the new filename) all while the optimization was running.

Now, no matter which formula (AFL file) I use to run an optimization, a reports list is generated within AmiBroker as expected but no HTML report is created and the Report Explorer is empty.

Did you use "Send to Analysis" button in the Formula Editor?

No. To be precise, I have always used the New Analysis Window button from the main toolbar. But just to check, I used the Send to Analysis Window button in the AFL formula Editor and the result is the same (i.e. no HTML report was created after the optimization completed).

I mean, open Formula Editor, then load the formula, then "Send to Analysis window" then run Backtest

HTML reports by default are NOT created by Optimization, but only by Backtest.

To generate report using Optimization (which SLOWS DOWN OPTIMIZATION VERY MUCH), you should use SetOption("GenerateReport", ...) function in your formula