Different start in exploration column

Hi all
column HHV is different than column LLV both should be start from the same cell but HHV start from beginning

AddColumn(  C - Ref(C , -1 )  , " c-t ", 1.2   ,  colorDefault , colorDefault ) ;
AddColumn(  HHV (  C -  Ref(C , -1 )  , 10 )  , "H", 1.2   ,  colorDefault , colorDefault ) ;
AddColumn(  LLV (  C -  Ref(C , -1 )  , 10 )  , "L", 1.2   ,  colorDefault , colorDefault ) ;

thank you

The code that you posted is not the same code as used to produce the screenshot (it is obvious as there are 4 columns in the screenshot and headings are different). If you want help you need to post the actual code used.


Sorry for the lack of focus and mixing things up and my apologies to everyone