I have predefined set of rules for stocks screening.. Once screened, the stocks are shortlisted into Buy and Sell individual watchlists..
once the stocks are listed, My Trade Entry time for any stocks should be greater than the time it get listed in the watchlist.. so that I wont miss an entry..
All parameters are constants on run-time,
but all parameters work for specified watchlist automatically
(by AmiBroker), so, you don't need to do anything.
your code got many errors,
suggest you modify them and post it agian,
and you should block your code with code button </>
All I want is to have the "Trade STart Time " to be Greater than the watchlist entry tme of each stock.. It has to be dynamic instead of a standard time like it is now..
Entry Time of each stock - I meant, the time when a stock enters into watchlist after meeting the scanning conditions..
Ex: SBIN-FUT meets my scanning condition lets say at 10 am and then the stock version of the same would be listed into watchlist 1 at 10:01 am.. If this is the case, the Trade entry time for this particular stock should be considered as after 10:05 am on 5 min candle timeframe and so should be for others dynamically based on their watchlist listed time...
Right now, I have a static time range given between 9:15am to 2:40 pm .. by doing so, stock of the above mentioned future SBIN-FUT which is SBIN is given a buy signal at 9:15 am instead it should be 10:05 am..
Note: I am creating 2 seperate watchlist for Buy side and Sell side so that Buy logic for Long entries will only applied on Buy side watchlist and viceversa for the short side entries..
Thanks for taking time and responding back.. Hope to see a solution for this..