Export quotation data to csv

hi everyone,
when i run below codes, i got -10000000000 result

how can i only store the price that is not null?

path = "C:\\daily\\";
fh = fopen(path+Name()+".csv", "w" );

if( fh )
  fputs("date,open,high,low,close,volume,dividend,split\n", fh );

  for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )

  	y = Year(); 
 	m = Month(); 
	d = Day(); 
   	ds = StrFormat("%02.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f,", y[ i ] ,m[ i ], d[ i ]); 

    fputs( ds, fh );

    Line = StrFormat("%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %g, %g, %g \n",
    Open[ i ],
    High[ i ],
    Low[ i ],
    Close[ i ],
    Volume[ i ],
	fputs( Line, fh );
  fclose( fh );
Buy=Sell=0; // for scan
Filter = Status("lastbarinrange");
AddTextColumn("Export done", "Status");

the barcount is 9040, even if the ticker has no so many bars.

First the code of post #1 is incorrect!
Arrays do not belong inside BarCount loop.

// these are ARRAYS!
y = Year(); 
m = Month(); 
d = Day(); 

Secondly disable pad&align of Analysis settings

Thanks. After disable pad and align, the output csv is good now!

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