Fill price on gapup or gapdown

I have custom backtesting codethat sets the buy price but i notice that the
I notice that the fill price for buy is high of the day or the fill price sell is low price of day.
I assumed that my buyprice code will override the fill price as per the backtester. can someone validate this for me.
for eg. in the code below in lines 118-122, i set the buy price. But it gets overridden

SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );
_N( Title = StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " + WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) + " {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ) );
Plot( C, "Close", colorDefault, styleNoTitle | GetPriceStyle() );
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Tenkan-Sen" );
TenkanPer = Param( "Tenkan-Sen Period", 9, 1, 100, 1 );
TenkanCol = ParamColor( "Tenkan-Sen Color", colorRed );
TenkanSty = ParamStyle( "Tenkan-Sen Style", styleLine | styleThick );
Tenkan = ( HHV( H, TenkanPer ) + LLV( L, TenkanPer ) ) / 2;
Plot( Tenkan, "Tenkan", TenkanCol, TenkanSty );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Kijun-Sen" );
KijunPer = Param( "Kijun-Sen Period", 22, 1, 100, 1 ); // using 22 instead of 26 as there are only 22 trading days in a month.
KijunCol = ParamColor( "Kijun-Sen Color", colorBlue );
KijunSty = ParamStyle( "Kijun-Sen Style", styleLine | styleThick );
Kijun = ( HHV( H, KijunPer ) + LLV( L, KijunPer ) ) / 2;
Plot( Kijun, "Kijun", KijunCol, KijunSty );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Chikou Span" );
ChikouShft = Param( "Chikou Span Shift", 22, 1, 100, 1 ); // using 22 instead of 26 as there are only 22 trading days in a month.
ChikouCol = ParamColor( "Chikou Span Color", colorViolet );
ChikouSty = ParamStyle( "Chikou Span Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel );
Chikou = C;
Plot( Chikou, "", ChikouCol, ChikouSty, Null, Null, -ChikouShft );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Senkou-Kumo" );
SenkouKumoShft = Param( "Senkou-Kumo Shift", 21, 0, 100, 1 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Senkou Span A" );
SenkouACol = ParamColor( "Senkou Span A Color", colorSeaGreen );
SenkouASty = ParamStyle( "Senkou Span A Style", styleLine );
SenkouA = ( Tenkan + Kijun ) / 2;
Plot( SenkouA, "Senkou A", SenkouACol, SenkouASty, Null, Null, SenkouKumoShft ) ;

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Senkou Span B" );
SenkouBPer = Param( "Senkou Span B Period", 42, 1, 200, 1 );
SenkouBCol = ParamColor( "Senkou Span B Color", colorPink );
SenkouBSty = ParamStyle( "Senkou Span B Style", styleLine );
SenkouB = ( HHV( H, SenkouBPer ) + LLV( L, SenkouBPer ) ) / 2;
Plot( SenkouB, "Senkou B", SenkouBCol, SenkouBSty, Null, Null, SenkouKumoShft ) ;

KumoUpCol = ParamColor( "Kumo UP Color", colorSeaGreen );
KumoDnCol = ParamColor( "Kumo DN Color", colorPink );
PlotOHLC( SenkouA, SenkouA, SenkouB, SenkouB, "", IIf( SenkouA > SenkouB, KumoUpCol, KumoDnCol ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel, Null, Null, SenkouKumoShft );
// need to fiture out how many HH7 i got since the Tenkan < Kijun and how many since Tenkan > Kijun
// i need to take the first HH7 signal.

RANGE = H - L;
hh7 = RANGE == HHV( RANGE, 7 );
longHH7 = C > O AND hh7 ;
shortHH7 = C < O AND hh7;
crossedLong = Cross( Tenkan, Kijun );
crossedShort = Cross( Kijun, Tenkan );
crossedShort_barssince=BarsSince(crossedShort );
PlotShapes( crossedShort*shapeSmallCircle, colorYellow, layer = 0, L + range / 2 );
PlotShapes( crossedLong*shapeSmallDownTriangle, colorYellow, layer = 0, L + range / 2 );
PlotShapes( hh7*shapeDigit7, colorYellow, layer = 0, L + range / 2 );
String1 =Name();
String2 = "-IDEALPRO-CASH";
forex= StrMatch( String1, "*" + String2   );
volumeCheck= forex OR ( V > MA( V, 50 ) * 1.4 AND MA( V, 50 ) > 250000 );
pricecheck =forex OR MA( C, 15 ) > 1 ;//AND  MA( C, 15 )<40;
//volumeCheck = pricecheck=True;
LongSignal = volumeCheck AND pricecheck AND hh7 AND C>O    AND Tenkan > Kijun AND BarsSince( Cross( Tenkan, Kijun ) ) < 3;
// do all declarations  
i = 0;
breakoutprice = Null;
stopprice = Null;
entryBar = -1;
inLongPosition = False;
countHH7 = 0;
countLongHH7SinceCrossedShort = SumSince( crossedShort AND BarsSince(crossedShort)<BarsSince(crossedLong) , longHH7 ) ;
countLongHH7SinceCrossedLong = SumSince( crossedLong AND BarsSince(crossedShort)>BarsSince(crossedLong)  , longHH7 ) ;
atrvalue = ATR( 14 );
dt = DateTime() ;
Sell = Buy = 0;
PlotShapes( LongSignal*shapeDigit2, colorPink, layer = 0, L - range / 4 );
entryDate = Null;
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )


    if( LongSignal[i] AND !inLongPosition )

        // store the low so i can cancel the buy signal if it goes below low
        // mark the breakotu price so i can enter long when it enters breakout price
        breakoutprice = High[i];
        stopprice = Low[i];

        _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) +  "got signal  "  + " buy price" + breakoutprice  + " loop id " + i );

    if( inLongPosition == False AND  !IsNull( breakoutprice ) AND i >SignalBar) // if high crosses breakout price then enter position.
        _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) + "checking  breakout price " + breakoutprice   + " loop id " + i );

        if( High[i] > breakoutprice )
            inLongPosition = True;
            Buy[i] = True;
            if(GappedUp[i] AND Open[i]>breakoutprice)
            BuyPrice = Open[i];
             BuyPrice = breakoutprice;
            entryBar = i;
            countHH7 = 0;
            entryDate = DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 )  ;
            StaticVarSet( FullName() + entryDate, countHH7 );
            StaticVarSet( FullName() + "L" + entryDate, countLongHH7SinceCrossedShort[i]-countLongHH7SinceCrossedLong[i] );
            StaticVarSet( FullName() + "hh7beforeentry" + entryDate, countLongHH7SinceCrossedLong[i-1] );   // this is to count hh7 after it turns long but before entry. it does not include entry bar but includes signal bar
            StaticVarSet( FullName() + "entryRisk" + entryDate, (breakoutprice-stopprice)/breakoutprice  ); // entry risk is (entry price-stop price)/entry price
              StaticVarSet( FullName() + "BreakoutRange" + entryDate, (breakoutprice-stopprice)/dailyRange[i]  ); // entry risk is (entry price-stop price)/entry price
              StaticVarSet( FullName() + "EntryGapUp" + entryDate, GappedUp[i]  ); // gappedup on entry
               StaticVarSet( FullName() + "BarDelays" + entryDate, i-SignalBar  ); // how many bars after entry did i get signal.
            _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) + "got long "   + " buy price" + breakoutprice );

            if( Low[i] < stopprice )
                // reset and cleanup
                breakoutprice = Null;
                stopprice = Null;
                _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) + "cleaned out  price and cancelled " );
                PlotText( "CAncelled Long", C[i], i, colorBlack, bkcolor = colorDefault, yoffset = 0 ) ;



    if( inLongPosition AND i > entryBar )
        if( hh7[i] AND H[i] > breakoutprice )
            countHH7 += 1;

            StaticVarSet( FullName() + entryDate, countHH7 );
            _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) + FullName() + entryDate );

        if( Low[i] < stopprice )// close and cleanup
            Sell[i] = True;
			if(GappedDown[i] AND Open[i]<stopprice )
            SellPrice = Open[i];
            SellPrice = Low[i];
            inLongPosition = False;
            _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) +  "stopped  long "  + " stopprice" + Low[i] );
            breakoutprice = Null;
            stopprice = Null;
            entryBar = -1;

            if( High[i] >= ( breakoutprice + 3 * atrvalue[i] ) )
                Sell[i] = True;
                SellPrice = breakoutprice + atrvalue[i];
                _TRACE( DateTimeToStr( dt[i] , 3 ) + "got target "   + " targetprice" + ( breakoutprice + atrvalue[i] ) );
                inLongPosition = False;
                breakoutprice = Null;
                stopprice = Null;
                entryBar = -1;





//Buy = LongSignal; //=h>ValueWhen(LongSignal,High,1);// AND LowestSince(LongSignal,Low,1)>ValueWhen(LongSignal,Low,1);

Filter = true;
Short = Cover = False;
AddColumn( LongSignal, "LongSignal" );
AddColumn( countLongHH7SinceCrossedShort, "countLongHH7SinceCrossedShort" );
AddColumn( countLongHH7SinceCrossedLong, "countLongHH7SinceCrossedLong" );

//AddColumn(C>ValueWhen(LongSignal,High,1) ,"buysignal");

SetCustomBacktestProc( "" );

/* Now custom-backtest procedure follows */
if( Status( "action" ) == actionPortfolio )
    bo = GetBacktesterObject();

    bo.Backtest( 1 ); // run default backtest procedure

    // iterate through closed trades first
    for( trade = bo.GetFirstTrade(); trade; trade = bo.GetNextTrade() )
        // do your calculations involving trade objects (list of closed trades)
        _TRACE( "inside backtester" );

        countHH7 = StaticVarGet( trade.FullName + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 ) );  // your value here
countLongHH7SinceCrossedShort=StaticVarGet(trade.FullName + "L" + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 ));
        trade.AddCustomMetric( "HH7bars", countHH7 );
        trade.AddCustomMetric( "BeforeCrossHH7", countLongHH7SinceCrossedShort);
         trade.AddCustomMetric( "hh7beforeentry", StaticVarGet(trade.FullName + "hh7beforeentry"  + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 )));
           trade.AddCustomMetric( "EntryRisk", StaticVarGet(trade.FullName + "entryRisk"  + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 )));// entry risk is (entry price-stop price)/entry price
           trade.AddCustomMetric( "BreakoutRange", StaticVarGet(trade.FullName + "BreakoutRange"  + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 )));// entry risk is (entry price-stop price)/entry price
           trade.AddCustomMetric( "EntryGapUp", StaticVarGet(trade.FullName + "EntryGapUp"  + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 )));// gapped up on entry.
trade.AddCustomMetric(  "BarDelays", StaticVarGet(trade.FullName +  "BarDelays"  + DateTimeToStr( trade.EntryDateTime , 3 )));// how many bars after signal did i enter


AmiBroker will force your entry and exit prices to be inside the Low-High range of the bar at which you enter or exit unless you turn off Price Bound Checking. Since you are entering and exiting at the high and low, that implies that you are specifying BuyPrice and SellPrice values that are out of range.

In your AFL, you are reassigning the entire BuyPrice array every time you find a new Buy, and likewise reassigning the entire SellPrice array every time you find a new Sell. You should really write your code without all these inefficient loops, but if you're going to do it this way, then you need to index into the price arrays when you assign them, like this:

BuyPrice[i] = breakoutprice;