Find out Highest High and Lowest Low value from a specific date Range

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As for the code...

you do equality check (via == operator). So if a date does not exists then it will fail.
So you may use LookUp function to search for nearest predecessor/successor in such cases.

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Find High Low" );
/// @link
dt = DateTime();
StartDate = _DT("2019-07-01");
EndDate = _DT("2019-07-14");
StartBar = dt == Lookup( dt, StartDate, 1);
EndBar = dt == Lookup( dt, EndDate, -1);
myH = ValueWhen( EndBar, HighestSince( StartBar, High ) );
myL = ValueWhen( EndBar, LowestSince( StartBar, Low ) );
Plot( C, "Price", colorDefault, styleBar );
Plot( myH, "myH", colorGreen );
Plot( myL, "myL", colorRed );
Title = " Highest High - " + myH + " Lowest Low - " + myL;

Note also: "your" code will start output at looked up EndBar (since that's what is told to AB by the program).