Formula Editor Pop Up

Hi Experts!

When editing in the Formula Editor window, a "hint" (pop up) window appears, blocking the view. How can I temporarily turn it off? Or how can I choose its position? Or is there a way to adjust its distance from the line being edited?

Thank you!

@Tomasz !

Anyone, Who can help me?

How to turn the yellow windows off?

Thank you!

go to Tools, Preferences, Editor and then turn off "Parameter Info"


Thank you!

But this window is intended to make writing formulas easier as you don't need to lookup the manual all the time, as relevant information is right before your eyes.

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Yes @Tomasz !
I like it at upper position (or the right side of the window), because we need to see the logic of the last lines in my code.

Thank you!

it is handy but I mentioned before that on my machine when the Param Info window pops up the editor is stuck. I can't type. I need to click with the mouse on the editor to continue typing. It not always does this. Sometimes I click on the screen to continue typing and after a few letters it is stuck again.

So I mentioned this before but apparently I am the only one who has this issue.

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i just tested it on my second computer and on that one I do NOT seem to have that problem. Weird. Both are running W11.

Are there possibly registry settings I could check/compare?

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with respect to my editor problem, I was looking at the registry and it appears that on the problem computer (which is my oldest from 2019) the AFLEditFrame registry folders are in the "TJP/Amibroker" folder while on my newer computer they are in the "TJP/Broker" folder. So I have no clue if this makes a difference. Also on my old computer in the


folder I have:
entries for screenCX, screenCY 1920 and 1080 while on the newer I have 2560 and 1440. I am using 1440p screens on both machines.

Would it be advisable to uninstall and then re-install Amibroker on my older computer? Might this fix the editor problem I have on that machine?

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Do you use any disk imaging based backup tool?
This would be the easiest way to rollback.

otherwise, you can backup the full HKCU\Software\TJP path and copy the AB installation folder which you could use to restore.

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well I just make backups of the entire Amibroker folder. And I use the FreeFileSync tool to save files on the other computer. So I have all files on 2 computers. Issue is that the Amibroker registry seems different on both computers. So I might just do a clean Amibroker install on my older computer. I assume I can just save the databases and put the databases back in.

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Registry stores the AB UI customizations mostly, like when you drag and re-arrange menu icons etc.
Some plugins store info in Registry.
so, first backup both registry and AB install folder, not just DB. the whole thing.

static varaibles are stored in a file PersistVars.bin etc so you need the install folder to recover such things if you need to.

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I am not sure I understand. For now I just changed the registry settings for ScreenCX and ScreenCY on my old computer to 2560 and 1440 (decimal). Will see how it goes.


in simple language, copying DB folder is not sufficient :slight_smile:
For full backup, you need the AB install folder and the registry.

Then you can play around, and restore if required.


The "Broker" key is correct one. The "AmiBroker" key was incorrectly used by 6.90.0 BETA (and only that version). You should be using 6.90.1 or later for proper operation

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ok thanks, yes I am using 6.93. Do you have any idea why I could have these editor problems on 1 computer and not on the other? Are there some registry setting I could check?

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As I wrote before - nobody else seems to be having this problem. You should check what 3rd party programs do you have installed on that machine, because that is the only factor that might differentiate between those two machines.