Get Value of ParamField()

Is there any way to get the current ParamField() selection in AFL? ParamField() returns the selected array, but I can’t find any way to programmatically determine which array the user has selected. I’m trying to display the selection as part of the chart commentary. I tried using _DEFAULT_NAME(), but that returns a lot of extra info. I guess I could use the string functions to extract it, but I’m wondering if there’s a specific variable for it?

what about _PARAM_VALUES()

Sorry i was wrong for _PARAM_VALUES()

For Interpretation you can use something like

per = Param("rsi period" ,14,5,30);
testRsi= RSI(per);

" my Parameters On RSI (" + per+") , and Close is "+ C  );

below one more example with _PARAM_VALUES()

per = Param("rsi period" ,14,5,30);
dummy1 = Param("dummy1 period" ,10,5,30);
dummy3 = Param("dummy3 period" ,50,5,30);

testRsi= RSI(per);

" my Parameters On RSI (" + per+") , and Close is "+ C + "\n\nAlso using dummy param() and _PARAM_VALUES(),  are: <b> " + _PARAM_VALUES()+"</b>");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);

" My ParamField is " + _PARAM_VALUES()+ " with value  (" + p+ ")" );
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Maybe consider using ParamList and populating the array yourself based on the selection.

Thanks for the suggestion, PanoS. This is what I ended up using:

StrMid(StrExtract(_PARAM_VALUES(), 0), 1)

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