Hold intraday buysignal until a given time

Hello amibroker community!
Thanks for reading my help request.

How can I hold a buysignal in an intraday system until a given time is reached? (e.g. 15:45:00)

Here my AFL-Code and of course not correct :

// amibroker 6.40.4
// realtime data from  DTN 
// 15 Minutes bars standard timeframe

buysignal =  //  intraday buysignal //;
buy = buysignal and hold_until_15.45:00; // if I get a buy then wait until 15:45 before the buy order is executed even without a buysignal at 15:45:00

If I get a buy then wait until 15:45 before the buy order is executed even without a buysignal at 15:45:00.

I know there is a hold() function for n-bars but I need a time as trigger point for the buy.


Instead of holding the signal, why not just check at 15:45 ,if there was a signal since new day

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yes, if there is no built-in function or a snippet then a valid option. thank you!

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