@Tomasz asked me to show my json file in this thread. To avoid hjacking the thread, I decided to start a new one.
This is a json file from Finnhub.io for EpsSurprise of AAPL from 2021-09-17:
In my notepad++ json viewer it looks like this:
Currently I do convert this file via a bat-file to csv (a very slow process via a converter which works with node.js) and import the resulting csv-file in Amibroker as Static variable to use in explorations. I also save these converted csv files for later use.
My goal is to keep my current solution with the import as static variables and saving the converted csv-file. The new approach should only improve the speed of the conversion. I do not want to populate my database with fundamental data for now, as I prefer it to be as lean as possible and easily replaceable. To be honest, I fear I would make it too complicate and would lose overview and would not be able to easily check, if things are still correct.
Since I do not like to ask for help without trying at least a bit (I have zero knowledge of Javascript): I looked again at the Polygon.IO example and think, this here is the main part for the parsing.
output = "";
for( i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++ )
date = new Date( quotes[ i ].t );
open = quotes[ i ].o;
high = quotes[ i ].h;
low = quotes[ i ].l;
close = quotes[ i ].c;
volume = quotes[ i ].v;
output += dateToYMD( date ) + ", ";
output += dateToHMS( date ) + ", ";
output += open + ", ";
output += high + ", ";
output += low + ", ";
output += close + ", ";
output += volume + "\n";
I tried a bit with different coding and settings: I got one crash of AQ and often the Error "TypeError: 'quotes.lenght' is Null or no object." (translated into English by me). I think I got this thing totally wrong and I do not really understand how the line "quotes = all.results;" works, as the error seems to point to it.
This is my Finnhub.io.ads file of the try above:
<AmiQuote Version="4.00">
<Description>Test to convert json to csv and NOT importing it</Description>
<URLTemplate>C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\MyFiles\Data\test\{symbol}.json</URLTemplate>
<Limits ReqPerMinute="5"/>
<CSVFormatOptions RemoveDoubleQuotes="0" ConvertISODateTime="0"/>
<Interval Period="1440" MaxDays="3650" ExtraToken="1/day"/>
<Interval Period="1" MaxDays="0" ExtraToken=""/>
<Interval Period="5" MaxDays="0" ExtraToken=""/>
<Interval Period="10" MaxDays="0" ExtraToken=""/>
<Interval Period="15" MaxDays="0" ExtraToken=""/>
<Interval Period="30" MaxDays="0" ExtraToken=""/>
<Interval Period="60" MaxDays="0" ExtraToken=""/>
<Javascript>function pad(num, size)
num = num.toString();
while (num.length < size) num = "0" + num;
return num;
function dateToYMD( d )
return d.getFullYear() + "-" +
pad( d.getMonth() + 1, 2 ) + "-" +
pad( d.getDate(), 2 );
function dateToHMS( d )
return pad( d.getHours(), 2 ) + ":" +
pad( d.getMinutes() + 1, 2 ) + ":" +
pad( d.getSeconds(), 2 );
// the processing function takes text as input and produces text as ouput
function Process( input )
all = JSON.parse( input );
if( all.status == "ERROR" )
return "Error: " + all.error;
if( all.resultsCount == 0 )
return "Error: no data for this symbol";
quotes = all.results;
output = "";
for( i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++ )
date = new Date( quotes[ i ].t );
actual = quotes[ i ].o;
estimate = quotes[ i ].h;
period = quotes[ i ].l;
output += dateToYMD( date ) + ", ";
output += dateToHMS( date ) + ", ";
output += actual + ", ";
output += estimate + ", ";
output += period + ", ";
catch( e )
output = "Error: " + e.name + ": " + e.message;
return output;
I now ask myself:
- Can AmiQuote even just convert my json files and save them as csv?
- Can AmiQuote do this without actually importing the file?
My thoughts for question 1:
As I understand the new "User-definable data source"-tab "Debug": AmiQuote reads the source-file and displays the content in the "Response"-field. AmiQuote then tries to run the Javascript code (if checkbox is set) and writes the output in the "Processed content"-field. So in theory my question 1 should be possible by writing the correct javascript code.
And for question 2:
I think I should also be able to do that by using "skip" for all ASCII import settings. Though, I am unclear about the file extension: Will "csv" work?
Can anybody give me some hints or examples or is even so kind to solve it?