Created a little AFL to show you how to use Exploration to help debug. For this example best way is to set "ApplyTo - Current", "Range - All Quotes").
The reason you can't get your filter to work is because condition is never true. Below AFL is a quick example of a way to verify variables values. You'll need to rework your formula there. Your adding yesterdays high and today's open and expecting close to be greater then that, thats a huge move then your adding yesterdays close / 3 which is even bigger.
cond1 = C > EMA( C, 5 );
cond2 = RSI( 14 ) > 45;
cond3 = C > O * 1.02;
cond4 = V > 200000;
cond5 = C < 1500;
cond6 = C > Ref( C, -1 );
cond7 = C > Ref( C, -7 );
cond8 = C > ( O + Ref( H, -1 ) ) + ( Ref( C, -1 ) / 3 );
//Below filter for exploration of condition
//Filter = cond1 AND cond2 AND cond3 AND cond4 AND cond5 AND cond6 AND cond7 AND cond8;
//Below filter for debugging AFL
AddColumn( Close, " Close", 1.2 );
AddColumn( EMA( C, 5 ), " Close > EMA(C,5)", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond1, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( RSI( 14 ), " RSI(14) > 45", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond2, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( O * 1.02, " Close > Open*1.02", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond3, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( Volume, " Volume > 200000", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond4, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( Close, " Close < 1500", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond5, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( Ref( C, -1 ), " Close > Ref(C,-1)", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond6, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( Ref( C, -7 ), " C > Rec(C,-7)", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond7, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
AddColumn( ( O + Ref( H, -1 ) ) + ( Ref( C, -1 ) / 3 ), "Close > O+Ref(H,-1) etc", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf( cond8, colorpalegreen, colorpink ) );
//Below filter for debugging
Filter = 1; // Comment out this line if using to scan;
Another great way to troubleshoot/debug is to use the Plotshapes() function and a chart.
As far as the ATR , portfoliobuilder offered something, I'm not sure what your after. If you mean today's ATR14 is greater then yesterday's.
cond9 = ATR(14) > Ref(ATR(14),-1);