How to detect/screen out tickers with no quotes

Recently I am cleaning up the database.

I used the built-in cleanup database script and get the nottraded.txt.

What I want to do is just to delete (1) tickers with no quote, and keep (2)the non-active tickers (put them in a watchlist and to be excluded in some scenarios)

However, the nottraded.txt included both of them.

So, I am thinking maybe using exploration to screen out the tickers with no quote would be a good idea?

Any idea how to write the formula?

Here is one way but not the only way.
In Analysis, set Apply To [All Symbols] and Range [1 recent bar(s)].
Use this AFL.

Filter= 0;
Date_time = DateTime();
if (Date_time[BarCount-1] != _DT("2021-10-26")) Filter = 1;

Please set the date to the latest date in your database and run Exploration.
Right click on the exploration results, select "Add all results to watch list..." and select the watchlist.

If you intend to keep these tickers, it's advisable that you give them a different names e.g. ABCD_D. This is because delisted tickers are often reused.

You can use Tools->Database Purify for all database maintenance tasks.

Thanks, I just find that I can untick every box, and it will only gives result of tickers with no quotes.

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