How to get Y coordinate for getting price Cross alert

I am using below AFL for buy and sell alert for price crossing study line. When I am using it with a single line it is working fine, but when I use it with rectangle box study it is not showing correct. Sometime it shows only the top line of Y axis cross or sometime it is showing only the lower line crossing.

I think it is due to the rectangle has values of startY and endY coordination. I tried to write with the help of Getting X, Y co-ordinates of Study() but I am unsuccessful.

I need the alert if:

  1. When the price touches the bottom line of rectangle (start Y)
  2. When the price is trading within the rectangle range (between start Y and end Y)
  3. When the price crossed the top line (end Y).

SU = Study("SU", ChartID=1327 );
RE = Study("RE", ChartID=1327 );

//trendlineS = Study("SU", GetChartID() );
//trendlineR = Study("RE", GetChartID() );
//StartY = LastValue( ValueWhen( ExRem( trendlineS, 0 ), trendlineR ) );
//EndY = LastValue( ValueWhen( trendlineR, trendlineS ) );

Buy= Cross(SU, L);
Sell= Cross(H, RE);

Filter=Buy OR Sell;

AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Windows Ringin.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );
AlertIf( Sell, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Windows Ringin.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );
//PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*Buy,colorGreen,0, L,-10 );
//PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Sell,colorRed,0, H,-10 );
AddColumn( IIf(Buy,C,IIf(Sell,C,Null)) ,"S and D touch",1.0,colorWhite,IIf(Buy,colorGreen,IIf(Sell,colorRed,colorBlack)));


@prakashganapathy, try this:

trendline = Study( "RE", getChartID() );    // this is a single Study named RE (a rectangle)

StartX = LastValue( ValueWhen( ExRem( trendline, 0 ), DateTime() ) );
EndX = LastValue( ValueWhen( trendline, DateTime() ) );
StartY = LastValue( ValueWhen( ExRem( trendline, 0 ), trendline ) );
EndY = LastValue( ValueWhen( trendline, trendline ) );

// Check the order of Ys to de sure that startY is lower then EndY
if( EndY < StartY )
    tempY = StartY;
    StartY = EndY;
    EndY = TempY;

Title = "{{NAME}} {{DATE}}\n" +
        "Start at X = " + WriteVal( StartX, formatDateTime ) + ", Y = " + StartY +
        "\nEnd at X = " + WriteVal( EndX, formatDateTime ) + ", Y = " + EndY;

// Check signals only in the selected date range
dt = DateTime();
rectDtRange = dt >= StartX AND dt <= EndX;

Buy = iif( rectDtRange, Cross( StartY, L ), 0 );
Sell = iif( rectDtRange, Cross( H, EndY ), 0 );
// these generate signals on the full chart, not only on the "rectangle" 
// Buy = Cross( StartY, L ); 
// Sell = Cross( H, EndY );

PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow*Buy, colorGreen, 0, L, -10 );
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow*Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -10 );

Plot( C, "Close", colorDefault, styleCandle );

You need to add a single study (a rectangle): name it "RE".
The top of the code is essentialy the same as the KB article you referenced.
I simply added some extra lines to ensure that the rectangle Y coordinates are in the right order to act as support and resistance.
Moreover I also use StartX and EndX to get signals only when they happens in the "rectangle".


Hi beppe

Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for the code. Code is working good, but I need some changes and I am working on this. I will post after the changes whether it is working what I need.

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