Wine is getting better and better, to the point that right now you can easily and seamlessly install AmiBroker and use it like any other native application. No need to run Parallels or any real Windows except to download the data. But we will find a way sooner or later to overcome that problem.
Let's install wine and winetricks using HomeBrew, which is the de-facto package manager for macOS these days.
brew install --cask wine-stable --no-quarantine
brew install winetricks
winetricks mfc42
Great! Now download AmiBroker.6.93.0.exe (or the lastest version, but 32 bit) and run:
wine AmiBroker.6.93.0.exe
wine ABRegx86.exe
Finally, I suggest you setting the screen resolution to 120 DPI so it will be easier on your eyes
That's it! Now you can run AmiBroker and it works incredibly well, including backtesting, reports and everything EXCEPT the communication with AmiQuote
wine "/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/AmiBroker/Broker.exe"
In order to import data, I simply do it under Parallels and then copy the database to the "/Users/USER_NAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/AmiBroker/databases" directory.
I know it's not the same as having a real Windows or Parallels, but for my use case I don't need to update the data more than once per week, so I can play with strategies and backtests directly from my Mac without the need to having a full Windows VM loaded all the time.