How to keep the order symbols in csv file as the order in watchlist?

Hi All !

Explorer always rearranges Symbols position in alphabetical order.
How to keep symbols position (not change) in explorer windows and csv file (like the order in watchlist) ?

I have read this:

I apply as that post, but the order still change.

Thank you!

Explorer (i.e. Analysis) window is OTHER STORY, because it is not intended to use "watch list order", exploration is shown either alphabetically or in user-definable order (by SetSortColumns)

The original order is shown in the Symbols window

Thank you @Tomasz !

Here the full code for anybody who need it:
All in the Amibroker Manual... try and try...

// Step 1: Get the list of symbols from the selected Watchlist
if (GetOption("ApplyTo") == 2) // Check if 'ApplyTo' is set to Watchlist
    wlnum = GetOption("FilterIncludeWatchlist"); // Get the Watchlist number
    symlist = CategoryGetSymbols(categoryWatchlist, wlnum); // Retrieve all symbols in the Watchlist
    Error("Please ensure 'ApplyTo' is set to Watchlist to use this formula.");

// Step 2: Assign order to each symbol in the Watchlist
if (Status("stocknum") == 0) // This ensures the ranking is done only once during the scan
    StaticVarRemove("Order*"); // Clear any previously stored order variables

    // Loop through the Watchlist and assign an order to each symbol
    for (i = 0; (sym = StrExtract(symlist, i)) != ""; i++)
        StaticVarSet("Order" + sym, i + 1); // Store the order (1-based index) for each symbol

// Step 3: Retrieve the order of the current symbol
symbol = Name(); // Get the current symbol's name
order = StaticVarGet("Order" + symbol); // Retrieve the stored order for this symbol

// Step 4: Display the results in the Exploration
AddColumn(order, "Order", 1.0);      // Display the order of the symbol
AddColumn(Close, "Close", 1.2);     // Display the closing price
AddColumn(Volume, "Volume", 1.0);   // Display the volume
Filter = 1;                         // Include all symbols in the output
SetSortColumns(1);                  // Sort by the 'Order' column to maintain the Watchlist order

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