It's Intraday Trading.
Timeframe - 1 min.
Want to limit the number of trades made per day for MULTIPLE SYMBOL through preiodical SCAN / Exploration.
I read the document
, Where it has explain how to limit the number of trades made per day PER SYMBOL.
Say I have 10 symbol in my watchlist and i want to trade on FIRST 3 Buy signal and respective long exit only.
I am unable to do that. Seeking your help from where to start.
Please also clear my understanding for SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", 5 );
My understanding is say currently i have 5 long open position ( BUY ). If no longexit (SELL) generated then no new trade entered and continue with 5 long open position ( BUY ) . Now, 1 stock exit from long. Then 1 long position (BUY ) will add to make it "5", if BUY signal generated.
Thanks and Regards,