How to send alert to telegram all at once of exploration result?

Hi all,
Please help me to solve the problem base on my subject.
my telegram alert already running for one by one alert, but when my exploration got 10 stocks, i will receive 10 message in telegram.
i tried to modify my afl so that my exploration result send all at once to my telegram channel.
with this modify, i got too much messages repetition and this alert doesn't match with my exploration result.

Filter = Close == 50;

TelegramAPI_ID = "****************";
TelegramCHAT_ID = "@************"; 

    // Initialize an empty string to accumulate messages
    allMessages = "";
    // Loop through all the bars (rows)
    for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++)
        // Check if the current bar meets the filter criteria
        if (LastValue(Filter[i]))
            // Format the message for the current stock
            message = "Buy : " + Name() + ", Price : " + Close[i] + ", Open : " + Open[i] + ", Low : " + Low[i] + ", Change : " + StrFormat("%.2f", MoM_P[i]) + "%\n";
            // Accumulate the message
            allMessages = allMessages + message;


    // Send the accumulated message if there is any
    if (StrLen(allMessages) > 0)
        TelegramAlerts = InternetOpenURL("" + TelegramAPI_ID + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + TelegramCHAT_ID + "&text=" + allMessages);

the result of my exploration like this
Ticker Date/Time Close
PNBS 31/05/2024 15:30:00 50
MPPA 31/05/2024 15:45:00 50
MARI 31/05/2024 14:00:00 50
SQMI 31/05/2024 11:00:00 50
BABP 31/05/2024 15:15:00 50

but the alert message sent to my telegram like this
Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 49.6, Low : 49.2, Change : -2.31%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 49.6, Low : 49.6, Change : 9.57%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50.4, Low : 49.6, Change : 9.57%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50, Low : 49.6, Change : 9.57%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50, Low : 50, Change : 9.57%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50, Low : 50, Change : 9.57%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50, Low : 50, Change : 5.08%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50, Low : 49.6, Change : 5.08%Buy : SMDR, Price : 50, Open : 50.4, Low : 50, Change : 5.08%

Doesn't match with my exploration result and too much repetition.

please help me to solved / modify the afl.

Thanks in advance

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