I run daily stock scans. Now I want to receive my scan results automatically

I really love the scanner and the amiquote working together. But I am having to spend an hour running the quoter to download which takes 30min to do then comeback and run the explorer which takes about 5-10 min to do then analyse the charts from the list.

I would really now like to let the program run and send me an email of the list automatically.

Can you tell me how I can get it started?


The Batch window introduced in version 6.20 (first time actually in 6.17.0 BETA) allows the user to automate mundane repetitive tasks by providing batch processing.

Now the user can easily
define and automatically run sequences of Analysis operations such as scan, exploration, backtest and optimization and file export
Previously such automation was available only for programmers by means of OLE automation. Now it is available to everyone via easy-to-use interface.