Hello! Does anybody know how to resolve the "exceeds IEEE standard" warning here? TimeNum_num comes from a text file that has TimeNum data written as "111,000.000".
TimeNum_num = StrToNum("111,000.000");
test = StrRight(NumToStr(TimeNum_num),7)=="000.000";
I need to check if the number ends with "000000"
It is just a warning. Is it maybe possible to deactivate it?
AFL: WriteVal/NumToStr will display Warning 506 if specified format exceeds maximum IEEE precision (7 significant digits) and roundAndPad option is turned off
AFL: NumToStr protected against user error of specifying precision higher than provided by IEEE standard (display never exceeds 7 significant digits, rest is padded with zeros)
BTW, (and since you haven't realized it yourself yet after few hours)....
If you just need to check a substring of a variable that is string already why do convert to number and then back to string?
And forget about deactivating Warnings via SetOption.
Warnings are good not bad.
They mean to say: "Just take a second before deactivating me and think again!"