I occasionally import symbols that are not included in my database. Is there a way to see a list of these symbols that I have imported? They are included in the symbols list but is there a way to segregate them or should I start giving them unique names for this purpose?
@burger you could use the Assignment organizer window to organize all your symbols in different groups, etc.
Choose a specific group (avoid 255 and 253 that are normally used as the default for some operations) and keep your "extra" symbols there.
In this way, it is easy to delete them when they are no longer required and to exclude them in explorations/backtests (using the Exclude tab of the Filter Settings dialog).
Thank you for good idea. I will assume that what I've imported already cannot be identified without knowing the symbols. From now on I will take your advice.
Not sure if it will work ...
Go to the database folder search * . * and after order by date created,
You should have a list of all symbols order by creation date
@awilson, good idea. It works, not perfect but good enough IMHO.
@burger, from a Windows/DOS command prompt window (after setting the current working directory to the desired AmiBroker database main folder) type the following command:
dir /O-D /TC /S > tickers.txt
This will list all the files and folders (and files in subfolders) sorting them based on the creation date. The list is redirected to a text file named tickers.txt.
Then open the text file with Notepad (or similar editor) and go over the report for each subfolder. The most recently created tickers are at the top of each section (where each "section" corresponds to a specific folder).