Is it possible to somehow import the full names of listed entities and categories, but without importing additional tickers?
I simply want to keep the database tidy and not add, for example, ETF-s, ETN-s etc.
Is it possible to somehow import the full names of listed entities and categories, but without importing additional tickers?
I simply want to keep the database tidy and not add, for example, ETF-s, ETN-s etc.
No, this feature is intended to operate as it operates and exactly as it names says, updating SYMBOLS and CATEGORIES.
You have asked about built in feature "Update US symbol list and categories".
What you responded with is just ASCII import that is DIFFERENT feature.
Quite obviously ANYTHING is doable in AmiBroker, but that is not subject of the question asked.
Recommended reading, the MANUAL, it explains EVERYTHING:
Specifically Import from ASCII file and
There is really NO NEED for guessing games, no need to ask, just read the manual, it contains ALL information you ever going to need.