Hi All,
I try to modify the code i found here in this forum , The original code works in new amibroker .
The original code use for drawing square by pressing 'Ctrl' held down and 'Mouse left button' down sets the co-ordinates of A. While in this state of Ctrl and Mouse left button down, drag the mouse for point B. Upon releasing either Ctrl or Mouse left button, locks the co-ordinates of B.
it looks like this :
the original code :
// To convert from Bar (on X-axis) and Price (on Y-axis) to pixel co-ordinates
// Link: http://www.amibroker.com/kb/2009/03/30/how-to-convert-from-bar-value-to-pixel-co-ordinates/
Miny = Status( "axisminy" );
Maxy = Status( "axismaxy" );
lvb = Status( "lastvisiblebar" );
fvb = Status( "firstvisiblebar" );
pxchartleft = Status( "pxchartleft" );
pxchartwidth = Status( "pxchartwidth" );
pxchartbottom = Status( "pxchartbottom" );
pxchartheight = Status( "pxchartheight" );
function XtoPxX( bar ) { return pxchartleft + ( bar - fvb ) * pxchartwidth / ( lvb - fvb + 1 ); }
function YtoPxY( value ) { return pxchartbottom - floor( 0.5 + ( value - Miny ) * pxchartheight / ( Maxy - Miny + 1e-9 ) ); }
function RadToDeg( x ) {
pi = atan( 1 ) * 4;
return x * ( 180 / pi ); //Angle is calculated in radians, thus converting it to degrees
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Square off a Trendline" );
SetChartOptions( 1, chartShowDates );
bi = BarIndex();
ChartId = Name() + GetChartId();
///////////// Capturing co-ordinates of A and B //////////////
LeftMsBtnJustClkd = GetCursorMouseButtons() & 8;
LeftMsBtnDownRlsd = GetCursorMouseButtons() & 9;
MsMiddleBtnClkd = GetCursorMouseButtons() & 4;
x = GetCursorXPosition( 0 );
y = GetCursorYPosition( 0 );
CtrlPressed = GetAsyncKeyState( 17 ) < 0;
if( CtrlPressed ) {
if( LeftMsBtnJustClkd ) {
StaticVarSet( "Ax" + ChartId, x, 0, False );
StaticVarSet( "Ay" + ChartId, y, 0, False );
if( LeftMsBtnDownRlsd ) {
StaticVarSet( "Bx" + ChartId, x, 0, False );
StaticVarSet( "By" + ChartId, y, 0, False );
if( MsMiddleBtnClkd ) {
StaticVarRemove( "Ax" + ChartId );
StaticVarRemove( "Ay" + ChartId );
StaticVarRemove( "Bx" + ChartId );
StaticVarRemove( "By" + ChartId );
GfxSetZOrder( 0 );
GfxSetCoordsMode( 0 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 8, 400 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorLavender );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlueGrey, 1, 0 );
_Ax = XtoPxX( Lookup( bi, StaticVarGet( "Ax" + ChartId ) ) );
_Ay = YtoPxY( StaticVarGet( "Ay" + ChartId ) );
_Bx = XtoPxX( Lookup( bi, StaticVarGet( "Bx" + ChartId ) ) );
_By = YtoPxY( StaticVarGet( "By" + ChartId ) );
if( _Ax > 0 && _Bx > 0 ) {
//Finding co-ordinates of C and D (ABCD being a square)
dX = _Bx - _Ax; dY = _By - _Ay;
_Cx = _Bx - dY; _Cy = _By + dx;
_Dx = _Ax - dY; _Dy = _Ay + dx;
// Drawing square ABCD
GfxMoveTo( _Ax, _Ay ); GfxLineTo( _Bx, _By );
GfxMoveTo( _Bx, _By ); GfxLineTo( _Cx, _Cy );
GfxMoveTo( _Ax, _Ay ); GfxLineTo( _Dx, _Dy );
GfxMoveTo( _Cx, _Cy ); GfxLineTo( _Dx, _Dy );
// Drawing diagonals of the square ABCD
GfxMoveTo( _Ax, _Ay ); GfxLineTo( _Cx, _Cy );
GfxMoveTo( _Bx, _By ); GfxLineTo( _Dx, _Dy );
// Finding mid-points of the sides of ABCD
Px = ( _Ax + _Bx ) / 2; Py = ( _Ay + _By ) / 2;
Qx = ( _Bx + _Cx ) / 2; Qy = ( _By + _Cy ) / 2;
Rx = ( _Cx + _Dx ) / 2; Ry = ( _Cy + _Dy ) / 2;
Sx = ( _Ax + _Dx ) / 2; Sy = ( _Ay + _Dy ) / 2;
// Drawing a square PQRS
GfxMoveTo( Px, Py ); GfxLineTo( Qx, Qy );
GfxMoveTo( Qx, Qy ); GfxLineTo( Rx, Ry );
GfxMoveTo( Rx, Ry ); GfxLineTo( Sx, Sy );
GfxMoveTo( Sx, Sy ); GfxLineTo( Px, Py );
// Text for co-ordinates
GfxTextOut( "A", _Ax, _Ay ); GfxTextOut( "B", _Bx, _By ); GfxTextOut( "C", _Cx, _Cy ); GfxTextOut( "D", _Dx, _Dy );
GfxTextOut( "P", Px, Py ); GfxTextOut( "Q", Qx, Qy ); GfxTextOut( "R", Rx, Ry ); GfxTextOut( "S", Sx, Sy );
/////////////// Proving that ABCD is a square ////////////////
// Measuring length of the sides using Distance formula (in pixels)
AB = sqrt( dX ^ 2 + dY ^ 2 );
BC = sqrt( ( _Cx - _Bx ) ^ 2 + ( _Cy - _By ) ^ 2 );
CD = sqrt( ( _Dx - _Cx ) ^ 2 + ( _Dy - _Cy ) ^ 2 );
DA = sqrt( ( _Dx - _Ax ) ^ 2 + ( _Dy - _Ay ) ^ 2 );
//Finding angle of the vertices of ABCD
CAD = atan( CD / DA ); CAB = atan( BC / AB ); /*Hence,*/ DAB = RadToDeg( CAD + CAB );
DBA = atan( DA / AB ); DBC = atan( CD / BC ); /*Hence,*/ ABC = RadToDeg( DBA + DBC );
ACB = atan( AB / BC ); ACD = atan( DA / CD ); /*Hence,*/ BCD = RadToDeg( ACB + ACD );
BDC = atan( BC / CD ); BDA = atan( AB / DA ); /*Hence,*/ CDA = RadToDeg( BDC + BDA );
Title =
"Proof 1: All sides of ABCD are equal (in pixels)" +
StrFormat( "\nAB = %1.2f, BC = %1.2f, CD = %1.2f, DA = %1.2f", AB, BC, CD, DA ) +
"\nAB = BC = CD = DA = " + WriteIf( AB == BC && BC == CD && CD == DA, "True", "False" ) +
"\n\nProof 2: All vertices of ABCD are of 90°" +
StrFormat( "\nDAB = %1.0f°, ABC = %1.0f°, BCD = %1.0f°, CDA = %1.0f°", DAB, ABC, BCD, CDA ) +
"\nAngle A = B = C = D = " + WriteIf( DAB == ABC && ABC == BCD && BCD == CDA, "True", "False" )
Cen1 = (_Ax + _Cx)/2 ; Cen2 = (_Ay + _Cy)/2 ;
rad = sqrt( dX ^ 2 + dY ^ 2 )/2;
r = (sqrt( ( _Cx - _Bx ) ^ 2 + ( _Cy - _By ) ^ 2 ))/1.41;
GfxSelectStockObject( 5 );
GfxCircle(Cen1, Cen2,r);
Plot( C, "Price", colorDefault, styleCandle );
Right now , i want to modify the code to be exploreable ; by automatic finding valley value ( as point A ) and top value ( as point B ) for determined parameter days , after that generate square chart with point C and D . Filter for point C (in X axis ) if Valley occur first. Filter for point D ( in X axis ) if Top occur first.
it should look like this
The code i modify is this
Miny = Status( "axisminy" );
Maxy = Status( "axismaxy" );
function GfxConvertValueToPixelY( Value )
local Miny, Maxy, pxchartbottom, pxchartheight;
Miny = Status("axisminy");
Maxy = Status("axismaxy");
pxchartbottom = Status("pxchartbottom");
pxchartheight = Status("pxchartheight");
m_m = valueWhen( Maxy - Miny == 0 , 1 );
return pxchartbottom - floor( 0.5 + ( Value - Miny ) * pxchartheight/ m_m );
function GfxConvertBarToPixelX( bar )
lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
pxchartleft = Status("pxchartleft");
pxchartwidth = Status("pxchartwidth");
return pxchartleft + (bar * pxchartwidth / ( Lvb - fvb + 1 ));
bi = Cum(1);
Bars = Param("Strength",5,2,15,1);
//Find Top
Top = H == HHV(H,2*bars) AND Ref(HHV(H,bars),bars) < H;
Top = Top AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Top,bi) > bars;
Top_Y = ValueWhen(Top , H );
Top_X = ValueWhen(Top , bi );
//Find Valley
Valley = L == LLV(L,2*bars) AND Ref(LLV(L,bars),bars) > L;
Valley = Valley AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Valley,bi) > bars;
Valley_Y = ValueWhen (Valley, L );
Valley_X = ValueWhen(Valley , bi );
Ax = IIf( Valley_X < Top_X , Valley_X , Top_X );
Bx = IIf( Valley_X < Top_X , Top_X , Valley_X );
Ay = IIf( Valley_X < Top_X , Valley_Y , Top_Y );
BY = IIf( Valley_X < Top_X , Top_Y , Valley_Y );
_Ax = Lastvalue(GfxConvertBarToPixelX(Ax)) ;
_Bx = LastValue(GfxConvertBarToPixelX(Bx)) ;
_Ay = LastValue(GfxConvertValueToPixelY(Ay)) ;
_By = Lastvalue(GfxConvertValueToPixelY(Ay)) ;
// Finding co-ordinates of C and D (ABCD being a square)
dX = _Bx - _Ax; dY = _By - _Ay;
_Cx = _Bx - dY; _Cy = _By + dx;
_Dx = _Ax - dY; _Dy = _Ay + dx;
// Drawing square ABCD
GfxMoveTo( _Ax, _Ay ); GfxLineTo( _Bx, _By );
GfxMoveTo( _Bx, _By ); GfxLineTo( _Cx, _Cy );
GfxMoveTo( _Ax, _Ay ); GfxLineTo( _Dx, _Dy );
GfxMoveTo( _Cx, _Cy ); GfxLineTo( _Dx, _Dy );
// Text for co-ordinates
GfxTextOut( "A", _Ax, _Ay ); GfxTextOut( "B", _Bx, _By ); GfxTextOut( "C", _Cx, _Cy ); GfxTextOut( "D", _Dx, _Dy );
Filter = IIf ( Valley_X < Top_X , round(_Cx) , round(_Dx) ) ;
I work on it for several weeks but not working.
Can somebody help me to configure what is wrong with it ?
Thanks in advance