My First Database, am I okay?

I have been reading the forum, Ami's guide and asking some questions for some time but I am not able to create my first proper Database, I recognize my limitations.

I have IB and I would like to use it to feed Ami with quotes and therefore, I understand that it is important that the tickers match.

I want a DB only with Nasdaq, NYSE, Amex Shares. I would like to classify it by ICB.

I want to have a large history of quotes in Daily time (with which I will do backtests) but I would also like to be able to see the quotes in Real Time (for example in 5min time).

These are the steps I'm taking:

  1. From the website:
    I Choose Stocks, United States, View Results

  2. I download 15 excel files with 500 shares each and assemble everything in a single excel file

    I have had to work on it a little because some fields were empty and also, I eliminate markets that do not interest me like BATS

With these steps, I understand that now I have a huge list of all the stocks from Nyse, Nasdaq, Amex. In it, I have IB ticker, company name, market.

I'm here, but I still have a long way to go...many questions come to mind.

I'm going to do the first one to see if someone can guide me:

How could I add the ICB classification to this list in some way other than ticker by ticker (7,500 tickers...)

Thank you so much!


This thread is duplicate of A little help for my first IB database.

Deliberately creating duplicate threads is against forum rules!

Oh I'm really sorry,

I thought it was better to create a new one to continue asking than to lengthen the previous one.

How can I transfer these new questions to the previous thread?

Thank you so much

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