Need Help on AFL Code for Support Value

Hi Experts,

Could somebody please help me to change below code with logic explained below. I have also attached snapshot showing what logic i want.!

This is AFL code to find out Support and Resistance. I wanted to filter out invalid support.
The logic that i wanted in code is
Valid Support = Support will be valid Once Price goes above previous Resistance

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle |  GetPriceStyle() );

lbk= Param("Lookback",1000,50,5000,10);
nbz= Param("Swing Bars",12,1,150,1);
LineStyle = ParamStyle("LineStyle", styleStaircase);
ColorS= ParamColor("Support",colorGreen);
ColorR= ParamColor("Resistance",colorRed);
psh= ParamToggle("Pivot Shapes","Off|On",1);
plb= ParamToggle("Pivot Labels","Off|On",1);
snd= ParamToggle("Sound Alerts","Off|On",1);
tht= Param("Hi Label Adjust",0.65,0.10,5,0.05)*ATR(5);
lbk= Min(BarCount-1,Lbk);
xH=H-H;   xL=L-L;   yH=H-H;   yL=L-L;   xR=H-H;   xS=L-L;
xrb=0;    xSb=0;    yR0=0;    yS0=0;    xR0=0;    xS0=0;   xx=0;
xHH= HHVBars(H,nbz);  xLL= LLVBars(L,nbz);
yHH= HHV(H,nbz);      yLL= LLV(L,nbz);
viz= Status("BarVisible");
vbz= LastValue(Highest(IIf(viz,BarIndex(),0)));
_TRACE("Last visible bar: "+ vbz);
bct= (BarCount-1);  dir = "";

	for(i=0; i<lbk; i++)  
      			xx=bc-xLL[bc];  xL[xx]=1;  
      			yL[xSb]=L[xx];  xS[xSb]=xx; xSb++;
				dir = "U";
        		xx=bc-xHH[bc];  xH[xx]=1;  yH[xrb]=H[xx];  xR[xrb]=xx;xrb++; 
	xP= 0;  yP= 0;  xS0= xS[0];  yS0=yL[0];  xR0= xR[0];  yR0= yH[0];
		xP=bc-xHH[bc];  yP= yHH[bc];
      	if(yR0<yP AND xP>xS0 AND xP<bc)
       	for(j=0; j<xrb; j++)
				yH[xrb-j]= yH[xrb-(j+1)];
        		xR[xrb-j]= xR[xrb-(j+1)];
        	yH[0]= yP;  xR[0]= xP;  xrb++;
		xP= bc-xLL[bc]; yP= yLL[bc];
       if(yS0>yP AND xP>xR0 AND xP<bc) 
          for(j=0; j<xSb; j++)
				yL[xSb-j]= yL[xSb-(j+1)];  xS[xSb-j]= xS[xSb-(j+1)];
         	yL[0]=yP;  xS[0]=xP;  xSb++;

   ushp=shapeHollowUpArrow;   dshp=shapeHollowDownArrow;

		PlotShapes(xH*dshp,24,0,H,-8);  PlotShapes(xL*ushp,19,0,L,-8);


	Buy=(xL);  Sell=(xH);  Cover=(xL);  Short=(xH); Long=Flip(Buy,Sell);  Shrt=Flip(Sell,Buy);
   SellPrice=ValueWhen(Sell,H,1);  BuyPrice= ValueWhen(Buy,L,1);
   		for(i=0; i<BarCount; i++)
     		if(Buy[i])	PlotText("\n\n"+ StrRight(NumToStr(L[i],5),6),i-1,L[i],colorS, 55);
     		if(Sell[i])PlotText(StrRight(NumToStr(H[i],5),6),i-1,H[i]+tht[i], colorR, 55);


Moderator comment: Edited to use proper CODE TAGS

Maybe start with a code called "zig zag with valid entry/exit". I think it's in the library. That will show you at which bar a previous peak/trough is stable and will not repaint (it's sooner than you think). Then adapt the code you have here for whatver purpose you want.

Hi C_M
I have very limited knowledge with programming and that's why seeking help from experts like you.

Would you please have look at the code that i have pasted and let me know if you can put the logic in code that i have described. I tried in zig-zag but no luck. If you have similar logic in zig-zag, would you please help me with code so that i can take reference from it and try to tweak in this current code.

@chiragvyas.50 you write,

Well unfortunately be prepared to lose your money. If you want to trade quantitative strategies you must learn both the strategies and at least gain some proficiency in code writing or understanding the codes of the professionals that you hire to write your codes for you.

Get some basic Zig Zag info on the internet for free and then read Spyros Raftopoulos
the author of two articles published in STOCKS & COMMODITIES (TASC) on using zigzag
as an indicator: “Zigzag Validity” (August 2002) and “The Zigzag Trend Indicator”
(November 2003). And since these articles also sparked much interest and
discussion, additional letters from readers with detailed responses from Spyros
Raftopoulos can be found in the following, issues in the Letters to S&C column:
November 2002, January 2004, and April 2004

ZigZag Validity (August 2002) (no afl but codes in many other platforms included so you can create and afl).

ZigZag Trend Indicator (November 2003) has afl code,

Not sure if that is what you were looking for but they are informative and entertaining reads nonetheless.

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I'm not an expert but I can probably offer a little bit of help. First find the code with zigzag valid entries and post it here.