New to Community

Hi All,

I'm Roger, or BlackCat online. I work as a programmer by day and invest in my spare time. I recently bought Nick Radge's "Unholy Grails" and Andreas Clenow's "Stocks on the Move", which inspired me to buy Amibroker and try out momentum & trend following strategies. Looking forward to discussing strategies and code with you all here.


Hi Everybody.
My name is Alejandro Garcia and I am new user of Amibroker.
I am not a professional trader nor a programer, just an aerospace engineer who wants to get some returns to his savings hehe.
However I have some experience in coding in other languages (VBA, python, tcl) and ProRealTime.
I am looking forward to join the community!


Hello everyone

I am Tushar.

I am fairly new (3-4 months) to this community. I have been reading lot of posts and discussion for last 3-4 months and doing some Amibroker learning.
I really appreciate the efforts put by Amibroker team and community members to make this community what it is today.

By background , I am learning to trade and have a little (while learning AIML) coding experience of python. I did read C and C++ during my graduation almost 2 decades back and don't recall anything now :slight_smile: . So I can not call myself a coder at all.

I have learnt Little bit of AFL also now. I made some exploration and internet function AFLs for myself.
But long way to go to be able get good confidence on it.

I will be seeking guidance on various challenges I face during writing some AFL codes.

Looking forward to more interactions with you all in future.


Hello! My name is Frantz. Geographically I'm located in the state of Pennsylvania in the US. I have been trading all my life. My trading style is either intermediate term trend following, or swing trading, depending on the market condition, and I trade mostly US individual stocks. I've been a student of R.D. Wyckoff's methodology since 2016; before that I relied on a mish mash of trading approaches. I was a broker at a major US wirehouse for 3 decades before retiring in 2017. I am knowledgeable about the markets.
The reason I came to Amibroker is to increase the efficiency of my Watch List analysis. For example, this week I had 144 stocks that have interesting characteristics. That's too many for me to visually assess in a reasonable period of time using my methodology. I've been aware of Amibroker for a while so I decided to incorporate it into my trading process. I've had it for a few weeks and I'm slowly moving up the learning curve. I've been reading the Howard Bandy intro book plus the Amibroker documentation. The YouTube library on the program is very good as well.
I know what I'm looking for, but I am not a coder. I took a course in programming in college, back when instructions were entered on punch cards. I flunked. I know what I want the machine to do but writing the instructions is definitely not my forte. I've been using AI to help with my coding and it actually seems to do the job ok, although it produces errors on its first few attempts; but it can read the screen shots of the error messages and eventually it gets me what I am asking for (so far). I also know a human trader who has been a C++ programmer for 3 decades and he's about to retire from his day job so help is on the way.
I also have a project I'm working on comparing a couple USD/Euro hedging strategies. I think the back testing capabilities of Amibroker will be perfect for this.
That's enough about me, I'm happy to be here and I think Amibroker is a great trading tool! I hope I posted this in the right place.


Great intro. Welcome.

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